Chapter 7

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Bam woke up to an unfamiliar white ceiling, looking around he saw neon blue walls and white curtains, he wore hospital clothes and was resting on a comfortable bed. "Oh you're awake" a nurse exclaims walking inside before hurriedly leaving the room.

No sooner had she left a young man walked in. It was his saviour. "Are you feeling alright?" The man asked. Bam nodded, eyes fixated on the man. "How long...have I been asleep?" Bam found himself asking.

"An hour" the man smiled kindly. "My name is Hatz" he informed sitting in the plastic chair beside Bam's bed. "I'm Bam" Bam replied.

Suddenly the door was thrown open revealing a frantic looking blond. "Bam!" His boss rushes to his side with open arms, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Bam! I was so worried for you!" The woman cries. "R-Rachel? But how-"

"I searched your contacts to inform anyone important to you of your predicament. It seemed to be the sensible thing to do, and there was only her name listed there" Hatz explained.

Bam smiled appreciatingly at the raven haired man. "Thank you so much" he smiled beautifuly, causing the man to turn his head away, though Bam caught the distinct pink of the other man's cheeks. Bam suddenly felt very ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry Mr. Hatz, I must have traubled you so much. You too Rachel" tears filled his golden orbs. "I'm so sorry!"

Rachel patted his head comfortingly. In truth Rachel was still angry at Bam for sneaking out of work to see Khun. A part of her was secretly feeling triumphant. Because of this experience Bam must have learned a lesson. Always listen to her.

Deciding almost getting raped was punishment enough for him, Rachel pulled Bam into a motherly hug. "There there" she drew circles on his back. "It's alright, you shouldn't cry, it's not your foult"

Hatz just stood there and watched awkwardly. Rachel smiled at him. "Thank you for saving his innoccence"

Hatz nodded. "I will he taking my leave now. And don't worry, I've covered up the bill, you two are free to go home" Hatz nodded at Bam before leaving. Once gone Rachel pulled away from Bam and gave him a serious look. "By the way, I wasn't given the full details of what happened and how it came. Where was Khun? Didn't you leave to be with him?"

Bam bit his lip. "Well um, he took me to a fancy restourant-"

"-A date?" Rachel's eyes gleamed in interest. "I guess so, well he said to order anything. I felt uncomfortable and awkward, his stare was so intense it was almost like he was seeing through to my soul...I excused myself to go to the bathroom and overheard some staff talking about me" Bam's eyes casted down, in sadness, remembering the mean words.

"I felt that...compared to Mr. Khun I was garbage. I couldn't stay there much longer. But then I saw him being rude to a waitress. I told him I'd stay if he gave the lady his number. I don't know why but he changed to a diffirent person after that, he was more arrogant and cocky"he didn't need to tell Rachel he actualy found Khun's cocky atttitude attractive.

"True to my word. I stayed there until we finnished lunch. Then I walked out of that place and just wandered around, I was so lost in thought I didn't realize I was too far from the flower shop. I decided to use an alleyway as a shortcut but then..."Bam began shaking. "That was where I bumped into that thug, he...he was angry and he looked like he was in a high. I tried to escape but he was stronger and faster...he slammed me against the wall and tried to...tried to.." flashbacks of what happened flashed before his eyes and Bam was shaking uncontrollably.

Rachel hushed him and cradled him in his arms. "You don't need to work today, just go home and rest Bam"

"N-no, I need to make up for ditching work" Bam protested. Rachel wouldn't listen however and assured him she could handle the shop alone.

Rachel called for a taxi and gave directions for Bam's apartment. Hugging his boss affectionately Bam got inside and wave goodbye.

Rachel watched the vehicle as it sped away, before taking out her phone and dialing Khun's number. "Pick up you son of a bitch" she said through gritted teeth.

(I can't believe they cut off some scenes in the webtoon in the anime adaptation. They changed too much and left out the best parts, like Khun teasing Hatz about his family being so old fashioned and that they probably still proformed "Hara-kiri"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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