Chapter 3

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(Just some randome Khun x Bam amv)

When Bam got to work the next day, he didn't expect to see the blue haired man already there. Leaning against the wall as if waiting for someone. Bam blushed scarlet and hid in an alley hoping Khun would go away.

"Wait" Bam thought. "What am I doing? I-I shouldn't be hidding like a teenage girl. I should face him!" Taking a deep breath, the brunette left his hidding place and began walking towards the flower shop. Maybe if he pretended to not have noticed Mr. Khun the bluenette won't bother him?

"That's mean. I can't just pass by him and not say a word" Bam thought. "But I don't realy want to either, what happened yesterday is still fresh in my mind"

"Good morning Bam!" Khun greeted him a little too enthusiasticly. Not like the calm, cool Khun Bam was used to. Bam stopped just infront of Khun. "Er....good morning?" His response came out more like a question.

Bam fumbled for his keys while Khun just watched him. "Please stop staring at me" Bam desperately thought. " there something on my face?! Oh please let there not be any leftovers from breakfast!" Feeling a little self conscious Bam took out a napkin and wiped his face.

"Why did I do that?! I shouldn't care for what this man thinks!" Bam's thoughts and emotions swirled around his head like a tornado. "Keys keys keys keys keys where are the keys?!"

"Are you alright, Bam?" Khun's hot breath tickled his ear. Bam froze, entire face turning a darker red and, he bet if they were in a manga or anime, steam would be coming from his head. "F-fine" Bam found himself saying.

Khun hid his smile. Bam's flustered face was so adorable, he was having difficulty not to smother him. "Should I tease him more?" He thought "No. I don't want to ruin my chances by making him more uncomfortable"

"Yes!" Bam cheered when he finnaly slipped the keys in the lock and remove the chains. Pushing open the door and stepping inside. "Ahh, so" Bam faces Khun who followed him inside. "W-what brings you here? I mean shouldn't you be at work by now?"

"I took the day off. I said I wasn't feeling well" Khun responded. "Uh, right" Bam twiddled his fingers. They both weren't good at conversations. Bam was quiet by nature and Khun just liked to keep to himself.

"Remember what I said yesterday about you getting to know me better?" Khun reminded. Bam nodded meekly. "Well" he places a hand on Bam's shoulder and pulls the younger one close before leaning in. Naturally Bam leant his head back and averted his eyes to he ground. "We're playing hooky"

"Hooky? Like...the webtoon series?"

Khun gave Bam a blank look. "Sorry uh...what do you mean by Hooky?"

"Easy. I'm skipping on my job. And you will do the same" Khun explained calmly. The comical horrried face Bam made was priceless. "What?! Mr. Khun I can't do that! Miss Rachel will-"

Khun silenced Bam by pressing a finger to his lips and taking out his phone and going to his contacts. "What are you doing Mr. Khun" Bam felt the need to ask.

Khun merely smiled and showed him the screen.

Me: Hey bitch Bam's not coming to work today bc he'll be with me. K?

"B-but--" Bam was pulled outside the flower shop. "Let's go!" Khun joyously yells pulling the younger one along("W-wait I have to close the shop first!")


Rachel stares at her phone screen.

Blue haired asshole: Hey bitch  Bam's not coming to work today bc he'll be with me. K?

"That son of a-"

Back with Khun and Bam

"This feels like kidnapping" Bam whispers looking down at their hands that, Khun still had not ket go. The bluenette heard him. "Kidnapping broad daylight? Without a white van"

"You could be dragging me into an alley to kill me for all I know" Bam responded timidly. Khun sighed. "Understandable. You barely even know me, but Bam if I wanted to kidnap you I'd have broken into your apartment a long time ago and stuffed you in a sack, threw you in my car, and drive us to a cabin in the middle of nowhere" he enjoyed the look of terror on the brunette's face.

Khun laughed. Hearing his laughter, Bam was put into a trance. How could one's laughter be so beautiful and captivating? The blue haired man actualy looked very attractive laughing and smiling.

"As I've said before. I want you to get to know me better, so it'd be easier for me to date you because by then, you'll be comfortable with me" tugging on Bam's wrist and pulling him along-like he has been doing the whole time-they stopped by the park gates.

"Come on, this should be a good place to get to know me" Khun stated.

Bam wondered, why was this man so dead set on getting him to know him? More importantly, why would this, handsome, classy, seemingly perfect man be interested in him?

"Is this a game of his? Am I....his form of intertaintment? Could be. I mean who in their right mind would actualy like something like me? I don't even remember half of my life, my looks are average..I'm not rich, I'm nothing why would he-" the brunette's thoughts were cut off by Khun's voice.

"Hungry?" Khun pointed at the hot dog stand. "I've..just had breakfast?" Bam forced a smile. "Why did that came out as a question?" Khun asked. Bam's stomach started growling very loudly.

Bam blushed, Khun just chuckled. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping on said meal is bad for your health" pulling on his hand he pulled the brunette towards the hot dog stand.

Khun ordered for their hot dogs, Bam took out his wallet and paled. It was praticaly empty! Made sense, being the cheapskate he was. All he had was a quarter. "Um...Mr. khun?" He tugged on the hem of Khun's dress shirt. Khun looked down at his hand on his shirt. "Yes?" He asked Bam.

"U-um just eat without me!" He tries to laugh. "I don't even have any money to pay for it anyway"

"Here you go sir" Khun took the hot dogs from the man and handed one to Bam who reluctantly took it. "What kind of date would I be if I made you pay for your food?"

Bam choked on his hot dog and spat it out. Before turning to face the man who was nibbling on his food. "Pardon? D-did you say-"

"Yes Bam. Date"

Bam looked at him scandalously, face beet red. "But I thought we were getting to know each other first!"

"Correction. You are getting to know me" Khun faces Bam with a smirk. "That's what dates are for anyway. You get to know me while I spoil you all day"

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