Chapter 2

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When Bam woke up, he realized his head was resting on someone's knees. Was it his manager Rachel? She sometimes let him rest on her knees. But she never played with his hair like this, it felt nice though.

"Oh, I see you are awake"

Wait. That's not Rachel's voice. Gulping the brunette forced his eyes to open wider, his golden orbs met with deep blues and a smile. Realizing who it was, and the events that happened earlier, Bam blushed darkly. "M-mister?" He stuttered.

The sky blue haired customer beamed at him. "I'm Khun Aguero Agnes. You may call me Khun" he introduces, the smile still in place. Bam however couldn't relax, and his discomfort was shown on the expression on his face, causing the man Khun to be concerned. "What is it? Is your head hurting? I'd expect it to be, considering you fell head first when you fainted"

"Uh, no I'm fine" the Brunette smiled awkwardly, he tried to sit up but Khun held him down, almost like he didn't want the boy's head leaving his lap very soon. "Mr. Khun, c-can you let me up? And where is miss Rachel?"

Khun just kept smiling at the younger man. "She went to get something. Don't know why and frankly I don't care what she does. But my guess would be bandages for your pretty little head"

That answer seemed to satisfy Bam. Now that he was awake and looked to be feeling better, the sky blue haired man decidedto finnaly approach the subject he wanted to talk about. "Bam, what's your answer?"

Bam's yellow eyes showed confusion. "Pardon?". Khun sighed. "Remember? Before you fainted-possibly by shock-I asked you a question" Jokingkly Khun asked. "Was that a yes?"

Bam tried to recall the events before his sudden fainting.

Working with making flower crowns. Mr. Khun approaching him. Mr. Khun asking him- oh dear Mr. Khun a-asked him to- well thinking about it harder the man didn't realy ask him. It was more of a demand more than anything. The sky blue haired customer demanded for him to date him. Which was realy rude.

Frowning Bam pushed Khun's hands away from his hair and got up from the couch. He finnaly took in their surrounding and realized they were in Miss Rachel's small office. But nevermind that, he had more important things to settle. Clearing his throat and looking down at the man with a stern face-which was realy difficult for him since he was know to be very gentle by nature and stern, it just wasn't him- and said in a clear definite tone. "No"

At the sudden dark flicker of his eyes Bam panicked. Was that out of character for him?! Of course it was! Was he too mean? Too serious? Would the man take his rejection well? What kind of stupid question is that of course the man wouldn't-

"Why not?" Mr. Khun asked him, sounding pitifuly sad. "Am I ugly? Not your type?" The sky blue haired man pressed a fist to his cheek and gave Bam a realy sad, rejected appearance. Of course, Bam being Bam fell for Khun's acting and started to panic.

"N-no it's not that! You're actualy very handsome Mr. Khun! The handsomest man I've ever met actualy-not that I meet a lot of people-and I'm actualy realy surprised you knew I was gay-or was I too obvious?-your blue hair reminds me of the sky which I love, and your eyes are a deep blue I get lost in them everyday, you have such a fair complexion for a man, so fair in fact you could make any other man or woman look pale in comparison! And you seem realy fit! Not too muscly, but you have just the right muscles to beat anyone up. See? You're handsome! Very handsome that just calling you handsome is an understatement. Y-you're perfection!"

Bam didn't even know what was coming out of his mouth, he was so panicked that he switched off and his brain turned to autopilot, sprouting out words and praises that were muffled by his hearing and, unknowingly, he just made Khun's ego skyrocket.

"And as for not being my type....well, I don't know you well enough Mr. Khun! We barely talk" Bam finnished, twiddling with his fingers looking like a lost little boy. A very delicious lost little boy. Khun shooed away the thoughts though, realizing how creepy they sounded.

"Oh is that the problem?" Khun stood up and straightened his neat shirt. "No worries though, that's why people date right? To get to know each other better"

He silenced Bam's protest by pressing a finger to his lips. "But I understand your discomfort. Despite me coming here regularly I'm still a stranger to you. What was I thinking?" He said the last part more to himself than Bam.

He leaned his face closer to the brunette at a dangerous proximity it made Bam turn dark red again and tried to lean back. But found he was frozen. "Um Mr. Khun you're too close for comfort" Bam found himself saying. This only made Khun smile.

"But no matter. Because you'll be getting to know me better. And by the end of the month you will be with me" the over confidence in Mr. Khun's eyes made Bam feel a twinge bit irritated. To his relief, the sky blue haired man finnaly put some distance between them. "So prepare yourself! Your boring life will be changed forever thanks to me!" Smirking Khun patted Bam's head and confidently walked out.

Leaving Bam standing there in his thoughts. When his brain managed to finnaly process his everything, the first thing Bam felt was a deep annoyance for the arrogant man.

" 'by the end of the month you will be with me' " Bam mimicked Khun with dislike. "What does that man take me for?!"

Meanwhile, with our blue devil, Khun had arrived to his apartment and as soon as he was in the safety of his home, he started cussing in german. " Arschgeige. I messed up"

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