Chapter 5

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"Mr. Khun!" Bam yells catching Khun's elbow. Khun stopped walking when he felt someone's hand hold his arm. He glared at whoever it was but softenned when he realized it was Bam. He smiled charmingly at the brunette.

"Yes Bam? What are you doing here? I'd expect you to be at the Flower shop helping Rachel with the customers"

"Uh.." in all honesty Bam didn't know why he left work without telling Rachel first, or why he chased after the man, or why he felt his heart sink when Khun left the shop looking visibly upset.

he felt so incredibly guilty for the way he treated Khun the past few days that he had just acted on instinct, he followed the sky blue haired man.

"Uh..." he swallowed and took deep breaths,closing his eyes. Khun watched in concern. "Bam?"

"Woutchouliketoeatlunchwichme?!" Bam rapidly asked, holding Khun's hand and bowing his head.

Khun looked at Bam amused. "Come again? More slowly this time please" he resisted the urge to chuckle at the brunett's foolish act. Bam blushed deep red.

"I...I asked you if you wanted to eat lunch with me" Bam checked his watch. It was 11:50. Khun smiled, looking very pleased. "Yes I'd love to" he pulled Bam close to his frame. "I know a good restourant"

Khun called for a taxi and gave the name of a restourant Bam was for sure would be luxurous, judging by the name.

The restourant

Bam's eyes were sparkling, his mouth hanging open because never in his life, did he think that one day he'll step foot in a restourant like this.

Khun muffled his chuckle with his hand. The brunette's expression was so funny. "It's nothing to be awestrucked about. This isn't even the best restourant in town" Khun says leading Bam to a table.

Bam looked at Khun. This wasn't the best restourant?! Well maybe in Khun's standards it wasn't, but for Bam stepping into the restourant was like stepping into france, what with it's french theme.

"Is this a date? But I was the one who snuck out of work and suggested lunch, I meant to be friendly because I felt realy guilty watching him leave like that. What if he took this the wrong way?" Bam thought. He shooed the thoughts away though. "No he's a smart man. This is just us, two normal men eating in a nice, very expensive, very fancy, restourant...." Bam took a look in his surroundings and realized something.

Why were they the only two people eating here? Why weren't there other customers?

"Have you chosen what you want to eat yet Bam?" Khun's smooth voice forced his attention back to the man. Bam looked down at the menu and his pupils shrank to pins. He couldn't afford any of these!

Not even the mineral water! (450$)

The 'cheapest' they had was a stake. Which costed 200$.

Bam looked at Khun, who seemed to had already decided and was watching him. Again.

Should he tell Khun to eat on his own? "The last time I did, he paid for my food. I don't want him to pay for me, I'm not a gold digger or some charity case"

But Khun will find out something is wrong anyway if he doesn't ask for food soon. Should he just say he already ate?

"I was the one who suggested to eat lunch!" He screamed in his head panicking. "Um..Mr. Khun?"


"I-" Bam was inturrupted by the waitress approaching them, holding a small pad of paper. "Have you already decided on your meals?" She politely asked.

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