Chapter 6

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(Warning: this chapter mentions of attempted rape)

"Now say ahhh" Khun smiles pleasantly as he held the fork to Bam's mouth. Bam kept his mouth sealed shut and turned his head to the side like a stubborn child refusing to eat vegetables.

"Hmm, okay then" Khun took a bite of the meat, moaning in delight at the deliciousness of it. "Hmmm, so delicious, this stake is the best I've ever tasted" he moans taking another bite.

Bam bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the sky blue haired man enjoy his meal. His stomach made a sound, demanding food and the brunette blushes in embarrassment. "Are you sure you aren't hungry Bam?" Khun shamelessly cut a piece of Bam's stake and took a small bite. "This is very good though"

"H-hey mind your own plate!" Bam fought the drool as he watched Khun moan louder at how delicious the food was. At the same time, Bam's stomach was growling louder. In the end, Bam gave in and started cutting his stake to smaller pieces.

Khun watched in amusement as the brunette shove meat after meat in his mouth.

Minutes later, Bam had finnished. Khun's meat was only half finnished and now lay forgotten on his plate, because apparently just watching Bam eat had filled up his appetite. He actknowledge this as weird but, screw that. "I-I am finnished" Bam declares pushing away his clean plate. Literally there was nothing left, it was very clean, no crumbs or anything.

"I am too" Khun stands up, Bam copies his actions. "Well, lunch is over. I should return to the flower shop before Rachel gets very angry" Bam said and without saying thank you(which killed him inside, he's never not said thank you before) the brunette marches out of the restourant.

Khun sighs but his spirits didn't dampen at all. Afterall, he would be seeing his golden eyed little prince again. He does actknowledge that Bam doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, Khun simply doesn't care.

With Bam

Bam's body went on autopilot as his thoughts clouded his mind. He was annoyed at the man, but most of all annoyed with himself. Khun's cocky smirk flashed before his eyes and Bam couldn't help slapping himself. "Jerk" he says.

How could someone who looked like god's perfect creation be a devil behind a mask? Cocky, arrogant, selfish, manipulative.Bam suddenly felt like all his energy was drained. Maybe he should just go home?

No. He needs to work, and he needs to make up to his boss for sneaking away.

Fortunately, he knows the quickest way to get back was through an alley way a few blocks away from where he was. When Bam got there though, he hesitated. It was dark and shady looking and smelt like someone died here. Realisticly maybe someone did.

It was broad daylight though, nobody would attack him in broad daylight and if someone did, there were a lot of people so he could just scream for help.

Bam walked with a quick pace, every now and then he kept looking over his shoulder and stopping to see if anyone was following him. "I'm being paranoid" he told himself. "Relax Bam, you're okay"

He resumed walking, only to bump into a taller man's mascular chest. "M-my deepest apologies sir" Bam stammers, nursing his nose. When he looked up, he paled. Infront of him stood a very tall, muscular man, with scars all over his face. He looked like a drug addict who just broke out of prison. Bam felt his heart drop when he realized there is a high possibility the man actualy is.

"Whatch where you're going squirt" the man growled. "You blind or something?!"

Bam took a few steps back in fear. "I-I'm sorry sir! I realy am" his body trembles in fear as the bigger man towers over him. Suddenly the man gave him a skeevy grin. "Heh, you're pretty cute for a male, smooth skin and all, tell me...have you ever gotten a scar?"

"No, sir" Bam figures he'll get to keep his life longer if he stalls the man until he figures out a way to escape the situation.

Suddenly, the air was knocked out of Bam's chest when he was roughly shoved against the wall and a knife was pressed against his neck. "Well unless you give me your wallet, I'll mess up your pretty boy face to look like mine" the man grins perversely. "No wait...actualy, I might go for something else"

Bam's eyes widens when the man starts playing with the buckle of his belt. He tries to open his mouth to scream, but no words came out. Why was it when he needs his voice the most it fails him?!

"P-p-please let me go" Bam begs, ready to cry. He felt a sharp pain to the stomach. The man had sucker punched him so hard he coughed out blood. "SHUT IT!" the man pushed him to the ground and straddles his waist, pulling down his pants.

Tears welled in the corners of Bam's eyes as he felt the man's rough hands touch his flawless skin. "Heh, I'm gunna have some fun with you pretty boy"the man laughs maniacly as he reaches to pull down Bam's boxers, as Bam was paralyzed with fear.

"How dare you touch him with your filthy hands" another man's voice said from behind Bam's assualter.

"Huh? Who's you supposed to be?" The man looked over his shoulder only to be met with a hard punch to the jaw. "I said.." Bam's saviour repeats. "How dare you touc him with your filthy hands! You disgusting sorry excuse for a human being"

Bam's saviour took Bam's assaulter's knife with ease and stabbed the bigger man's side. The man's screams were muffled by a cloth that was shove to his mouth.

Bam's tears blurred his vision. "M-Mr. Khun?"

His vision clears to show his saviour repeatedly punching his attacker. He finnishes it by stabbing both of the man's hands. "Get out of my sight, pig" his saviour spat. The assaulter hurries away, one hand on the wound on his side, which was still bleeding. His saviour then turns to face Bam and hurries to his side.

"Are you alright?" It wasn't Khun. The man was very handsome, he had fair skin with a mole under his eye and raven black hair. "Hey, are you alright?" The man repeats gently.

Bam couldn't stop himself from crying. "Hey, hey, don't worry you are okay now..I am Hatz" the man introduces, wiping away Bam's tears. "B-Bam"

Hatz smiled softly, before replacing it with a serious expression. He looks down at Bam's shirt and slowly raises it, revealing a dark, large bruise on his stomach. "Fuck" he cussed before picking Bam up and carrying him to his car.

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