just like before.

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After George pulled away I didn't know what to say except "oh..."
"sorry.." he whispered
"for what?" I said smiling at him as he smiled back.
After I said that George pushed himself onto me again, kissing me , we ended up making out on my bed for around 5 minutes until will came in to see why we were taking so long.
"WOAH!" He shouted as he walked in
We both stopped and looked at him, we quickly both got up from awkwardness.
"Will! Knock next time?!" George shouted
Which caused James and Alex to come in.
"What's happening?" Alex said
"I walked in on them making out on her bed-" he said laughing
"WHAT?" James said laughing
"so are you guys like??" Alex started
Me and George kind of just looked at eachother not knowing what to say.
"we will leave you to it then- you want me to take Emmy back to mine for a bit?" Will said
"Uh yeah if you could that would be good" I said.
"See you later then" will laughed
"have fun!" James shouted
"Not too much though!" Alex said as they all walked out the door.

After they all walked out George turned around and looked at me.
"So..." I said
He didn't say anything he just continued to kiss me. Then i started kissing all down his neck, I knew he liked it from the video he did with Will.
"You don't know how long I've wanted this.." he said sounding out of breath.
"Me too..." I said
"Really?" He asked
"I never thought you liked me back.. obviously because you had a girlfriend so what else could I think..." I said looking away from him.
"don't get me wrong I liked Beth a lot, but then I met you.. and I just felt like I was with the wrong person from there.." he said
"well what if that happens with us.." I said
"what do you mean?" He asked
"like what if you meet someone else, and you want to be with them? And you leave me like you left Beth.." I said
"I would never do That! Lyla I... I love you." He said as he looked away.
I put my hand gently on his cheek so he faced me.
"I love you too..." I said as he started kissing me again.


wow.. that's all I can say really, I've wanted to do that for ages and now.. I had. It was late at night so George was asleep next to me and Emmy was staying over wills. All I could do was face George and look at him, and just.. smile. He was all I could ask for.. all I could want. It had been a couple hours now, it was around half 9 in the morning and we were both asleep.


I woke up to lyla sleeping next to me and to be honest. It felt really nice. I've woken up next to Beth for the last couple months and it never made me this happy.. I knew I was doing the right thing. I decided to grab my phone and scroll through social media.
I still saw a lot of hate on lyla and it made me so angry, I have no idea who started these rumours but whoever it is I'm gonna beat the shit out of. Lyla wasn't playing with my feelings.. and she didn't like jj- right-
No she can't she said she loved me yesterday.
What if that's because I said it first..
She can't like jj..
I was all caught up in my thoughts until I saw lyla wake up.
"Hey." I said softly smiling at her
"Hi" she said back sounding tired but still smiling.
She then cuddled up to me as I put my arm around her and scrolled through social media.

We were just chilling until we heard the door to my room open to see Alex.
"Oh- wow- hi." He said
"You two are clothed right?" He asked
I could see lyla was because she had a vest on but I didn't know if I was, I looked under the covers to see I did thank god.
"Uh yeah." I said
"soo...." Alex said sitting on my bed
"what?" I replied
"Did you two??" He asked
"what do you think?" Lyla replied making me laugh
"Oh! Wow! So are you two now like...? Something..." he asked
"only if she wants to..?" I asked looking at lyla as she nodded.
She then jumped into me and hugged me tightly.
"I'm gonna let you two have a moment then" Alex said laughing and walking out.

Lyla was still hugging me tightly as I did the same.
"thank you.." she whispered
"what?" I asked
"For everything.." she replied causing me to just smile constantly.

We just continued hugging until Emmy came running in screaming.
"Whats wrong hun?" Lyla asked
"IM HAPPY" Emmy screamed causing me to laugh
"Why are you so happy then?" Lyla laughed
"Alex told me you and George love eachother" she said smiling
"Oh he told you already?" She asked
"Yep!" Emmy said running over to me and jumping on me to hug me.
"Jesus!" I shouted laughing as I hugged Emmy back.

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