waking up im my 17 year old body after living a whole life in another world

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It's been a few days already since Rachael woke up being back in her 17 year old body in the school she thought she would never see again after being taken to another, far more beautiful world filled with creatures that no one could’ve ever imagined. It still seemed surreal to her that she was back and she had a hard time to adjust to her school life again since she couldn’t remember what they did or had forgotten most of the things she had learned, not needing it in the new life she was taken into. Most of rules for this world were simply wrong or different in Shaeyeon. It had gotten a lot better already though and she could also remember her friend’s names again. Though now it wasn’t really important anymore.
Her friends, or at least those she called her friends before, were honestly so immature and superficial she felt sick. All of the people in her grade to be honest. But nothing of that really mattered to her anymore. The first few days her ‘friends’ kept telling her she acted off, suspecting that she was sick but it didn’t take long until they just dropped her, making her an outcast and she honestly couldn’t care less.
Her home and heart were still in Shaeyeon with her true friends and her family and nothing could ever change that. Rachael sighed; there was no way for her to return though. There, she had died after living an amazing life.
When she got there decades ago she had been lost, wandering around the forest she had been dropped by whatever bought her there. That was until she met Fenris. He guided her and helped her adjust. He took her in and gave her a home. He loved her and made her his queen. She chuckled at the memories they carried together, how he would always step in front of her when a magical beast appeared in order to protect her but in the end she was the one having to protect him and slay the creature. She even once slayed a dragon, the fear of losing Fenris pushing her to do things no human was supposed to be capable of.
All those decades that they lived together were embed in her heart and she cherished them deeply. When she died, it wasn’t the heroic death of a hero and dragon slayer, as she had been titled by their kingdom. She died a death of a happy and loving wife and mother and she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Honestly, she had been ready to leave and being back here now was like she had entered hell. And she was all alone. The days were dreading and she couldn’t really find motivation to do anything anymore, missing not only a small part of her heart but almost everything.
But there was one thing that kept her mind busy most of the time. One thing that she regretted not being able to do anymore before she died. Right there at her deathbed only moments before she descended away, Fenris mumbled something that she wished she could’ve corrected. He had apologised, tears streaming down his face as he knew her life was about to end any second. Apologised for not being able to keep the promise he made to himself that, this time, he would be the one protecting her. She wished she still have had enough time to tell him that he never needed to protect her from anything. That all she ever needed from him was to see him happy. That there was nothing he would have to feel bad for. But she had been too weak to speak up anymore and her mind had already been slowly fading into unconsciousness.
“Everyone, can I get your attention please!” their teacher whose name Rachael still hadn’t been able to remember or catch yet called and she huffed out, starting to regret having dragged herself to school. She really should’ve just pretended to be sick but there was no way her parents would’ve cared and still send her to school. Rachael hated how they still treated her like a child and that they could still decide for her since “she wasn’t an adult yet”. She was way older than them but sadly they didn’t know. Rachael chuckled drily as a though crossed her mind. Maybe she should just tell them but they would just end up putting her in psychiatry.
“We have a new student, please welcome him with open arms”, the teacher said, giving everyone a smile but Rachael just laid her head on her arm, playing with the engagement ring that Fenris had given her years ago. It was the only thing that she had been allowed to keep from her life in Shaeyeon. Well besides her memories that is.
“Hello, my name is Fenris”, the new student introduced himself and she jolted up at the sound of his voice and the name that was dropped, looking the boy directly in his eyes. When he noticed her looking at him, he gave her a smile. A smile she had missed so much the whole past week.
She gulped not believing what she saw but at the same time she wanted it to be true to bad. She wanted the boy standing at the front with the same name as her husband, the same voice and the same cute looks to be her Fenris. Her life.
Her smile fell when he just looked away, his eyes roaming through the other students in their class, giving that smile he used to give her and only her to everyone else as well. She blinked and tilted her head slightly. Did he not recognise her? Sure it had been decades since she looked like this but he wouldn’t have forgotten how she looked the first time they met, would he? Rachael could still remember how he looked when they first met as well after all.
“You can sit down in the empty seat over there,” the teacher said, pointing to a seat on the left side two rows ahead of her and he nodded shortly before walking over. Rachael couldn’t take her eyes off of him, hoping he would look at her again and notice who she was but he never did. Her chest tightened and her shoulders faltered with each second that passed by until she averted her eyes completely. Maybe he couldn’t even remember his old world anymore? But then why did she? That’s when she decided that she would try and get closer to him and see if he could still remember anything of where he came from and their time together, their family, their kids.

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