the keymaker

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Ever since humans could remember there had been a door w/o th a single keyhole. It will open regardless of what key you use to unlock it. All keys will open this door. What's on the other side however depends on the key.
When Mason was born the door had only been a strange story that no one believed in anymore. He however had always been intrigued by the idea. He didn't believe that there was actually a door like that but he lined to fantasize about the possibilities it gave and what places one could visit.
For a presentation about the door for his history class he had ended up searching for all kinds of information on the door. Most of them however had only been stories about people trying put all kinds of keys that bought them to all sorts of places. Everyone used that door for their own random reasons but no one understood how it worked.
Several of those stories talked about people that had bought a random key from some sketchy person and ended up on the other side of earth. The stories talked about their experiences in the new country and their way back home. How they arrived more matured and grown throughout their journey.
Some people from far away came all the way only to end up using the door to return to their houses in their home country just for the sake of using the mysterious door.
Some used it for the good reasons like visiting the family that was living in a different country it once it was even used to bring a dying man to the hospital in time.
Some people however used it for evil deeds, robbing houses or even worse abducting people. They just needed the key to their victims houses after all.
Eventually the government had decided to forbid using the door all together and build a safe house around it. That way they could ensure no one would be able to reach it anymore. At least that's what was rumoured but in the end no one knew where exactly the door was located so there was no way of checking.
Upon reading all those stories Mason had noticed one thing that made his mind go crazy. All those stories about people going through that door had one thing on common. All the places people visited were somewhere on earth. Not a single story was about someone ending up in a place that was beyond the boundaries of the human world.
On the day of his presentation he had talked about the theory that humans could go beyond the world they knew. He had held up a key he had spent hours if not even days on crafting. It looked, well, magical. The key itself was out of lead that he had gotten out of a lead-pouring set for sylvester. The handle was shaped like a butterfly but he had decorate a it with wire, rolling up a purple one several time and pushing the inner part pur a bit making it look like roses. Around that alongsides the wings he used a green wire to mimic leafs going in various directions. He also added two purple gem-like stones on each side of the bigger part of the wing. The keybit itself was extending out on one side outlining the form of a hammar.
His classmates however had laughed at him and his teacher had given him a horrible grade, saying he was supposed to to an informative reportage about the story behind the door that shaped the history of their country, not a conspiracy theory.
He had went home that day and tossed the key in a random drawer, banning those memories out if his head. He had never spared another thought on the door and the possibilities that came along if you could create your own key to a different, even magical world.
Years went past when Mason got a letter asking him if he wanted to help then find magic. At first he wanted to just throw it away when he read the following line.
"The door exists and all those stories you've read about it are true." For a moment he had hesitated but in the end there had been no way he wouldn't have read the rest.
The letter didn't give him a lot of information, only that they knew about his presentation and the key, that they wanted to test put his theory. Along with that there was a note that told him not the forgot the key.
He wasn't too sure if he should really go. The only people that knew about his presentation were his classmates that had laughed at him and he didn't doubt they would try and pull such a joke on him after all those years. But yet again his curiosity got the beat of him.
A few days later, the exact date that had been written on the letter, Mason had found himself waiting for someone he hoped he didn't know at the main station next town. He had gotten there abou4 an hour earlier, his insecurities driving him not to trust the trains and take one earlier than necessary.
He fiddled with the letter with the letter in his hands, checking the time and place over and over again whilst hoping it wasn't one of his former classmates. Then a person had tapped his shoulder and gave him a wide smile.
"I knew you would come! Did you bring the key?" The girl hard asked and Mason could still remember the relief washing over him, replacing itself with excitement when he didn't recognise her. He had nodded making her smile even brighter, then pull him out of the station.
She ended up bringing him to their headquarters and when he walked in there were three other people, two girls and one boy. All the of them had seemed confused and Mason had learned that they hadn't expected him to actually come rather fast.
No matter what they had expected, they were glad that he came and soon enough the five of them took off on their journey.
Maybe it had been the adrenaline that had pushed him to ignore logic and go along with the idea of those four people he did not know anything about but it had been the best choice that he could've made. Or maybe, judging from where he was standing right now, it was the worst.
The four others had actually found the location of the door of those stories. It was buried deep within some old ruins underneath a mountain. Olive, their leader as well as the girl who had fetched him from the station, had told him how she had stumbled upon the safe house a few month prior while she was out hiking. She had taken pictures if the writings on the door, n It knowing the language and once she was back hime she had consulted her friend about it. Kylie had ended up translating it for her and af yer that it hadn't taken long for them to figure out what was gotten inside the safe house.
She told him that they both went back but to no avail. None of them were able to open the door. That's when they found Tyler and Rachel. Tyler had picked the lock open, Rachel kicking the unlocked door open by force since it had been stuck, being too overgrown by plants after all those years. When they finally entered they indeed did find the door that they had expected to be inside.
At forst they only goofed around with it a little bit until Olive had started doing some reseach to find out more about what the door was capable of. She had told him that she found a post that some kid had posted years ago who made fun of their classmate. The post was about his presentation and Olive had been intrigued by the idea he had presented that day.
All five of them had been super excited when Mason put his selfmade key into the keyhole and slowly turned it around unlocking the door. He could still remember how sweaty his hands had been when he slowly pulled the door open, just like now.
Back then they all gasped at the sight and Mason couldn't believe his eyes. There I'm front of him was a world that seemed way too familiar yet completely dofferen t from anything he had ever seen before. Right before him was a eorld he had created in his head while making making specific key they had used to open the door with.
Sadly enough not all of them could go since one had to stay back to oprn the woor with that key again after the time they had agreed on previously. They wnded ip deviding thesmself into teams to explore the new world they had found.
After several weeks of them getting to know the new terrain they finally decided on taking a step further. Mason created another key and when it was finished they had head back to the door, testing their luck again and it worked. Yet again, they entered a whole new world.
Mason started making key after key, the rest of their group adding ideas for the world the keys would lead them to.
In order to make a living Mason had ended up creating a golden key that lead them to a wold full of goods they could sell in the human world and everything went perfectly. That was until today.
Mason had been working on this key for for the past year, first designing it on paper before eventually making it reality while keeping everything secret from the rest. Today had marked their fifth year after opening the door with ones of his keys for the first time and he wanted to make today special.
The key he had designed had combined all of their wishes for their 'perfect' world and he was more than excited when he opened the door for them. The excitement however had disappeared within seconds when he opened the door again five hours later but no one was there. He had waited two more hours but to no avail. The other four hadn't shown up so he had made a decision.
He had closed the door before rushing back to their headquarters and gathered his equipment before going back to the door that no one believed to exist for real. He had the key already placed in the keyhole and his heartbeat was way too fast for his liking but whatever he tried, he couldn't calm it down. He twisted the key, hoping that when he opened it his friends would be standing there, apologising for forgetting the time, maybe nagging him for not keeping the door opened longer or making fun of him for worrying. However When he opened the door there was still no one to be seen.
His shoulders dropped in resignation before he took a deep breath and stepped through the door. He knew there was no way back as soon as the door shut close but he had no other choice.
He had to find his friends.

Writing Prompt challenge Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora