Here we go again...

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Here they were again and just as all those times before, it wasn’t his fault but his god damn roommates. He scrunched up his nose, the burned smell still lingering in his nose and he highly doubted if he wouldn’t use a spell he would have to deal with it for at least the rest of the day, if not even longer.
Then the principal finally walked into the room and sighed, seeing the ‘troublemakers’ again sitting in front of her desk.
“Why did I even bother to hope that the explosion earlier wasn’t caused by the two of you”, she said, then let herself sink down in her majestic floating principal chair. Aiden huffed out and crossed his arms.
“It wasn’t my fault. When I came into the kitchen he already pressed the start button. I tried my best to dampen the explosion”, Aiden defended himself but their principal only shook her head in disappointment.
“It doesn’t matter who of you it was, you both will get a punishment whilst I can fix your dorm yet again. If you don’t stop with this you know I will have to call your parents”, she said strictly. Aidens bottom lip quivered slightly as his shoulders dropped in resignation. This wasn’t fair. He had done nothing wrong, he never did. Then a hand was placed on his tight under the table and he looked up at his roommate.
“Ma’am, Aiden really didn’t do anything wrong. I was the one who tried to heat the potion. He came in and tried to stop me the second he noticed what I was doing,” Eric explained, then glanced at Aiden and gave him an apologetic smile but their principal just sighed, propping her arms on the table while leaning forward a little bit.
“Listen, the two of you were in that room where the explosion happened but we can’t say who it really was. I know Aiden is usually a good student and I wouldn’t expect him to make such a stupid mistake so I really want to believe you but it’s still the same issue as all those other times. If I don’t know for sure who of you it was, I don’t have a choice but to discipline both of you.” Erics grip on Aidens leg tightened and Aidens whole body slightly tensed up, looking at Eric. Eric had his gaze lowered slightly, his black a little bit too long hair falling over his eyes and Aiden knew he was beyond annoyed.
“It’s fine, we know you’re just doing your job,” he said in a small voice before Eric could say something else and worsen their already rather bad looking situation but it still didn’t change anything about Erics mood one bit. Aiden grabbed the hand that was still on his leg and squeezed it slightly in order to prevent his roommate from marking a mistake.
“Okay, then go to class now. I’ll see you later in detention,” she dismissed them and Aiden nodded before standing up, pulling Eric on his feet as well. He bowed slightly before dragging his roommate behind him out of the room.
When the doors closed he finally let out his breath and his arms dropped to the sides, his eyes now filling with tears as well. If his parents thought that he was causing trouble in school he would have to expect the worst when he saw them again. They couldn’t find out.
“Oh my gosh, why do you always give up so easily? This clearly was my fault, you had nothing to do with this!” Eric ranted but Aiden just stayed silent. He wasn’t mad at neither Eric nor their Principal.
The principal was a fair woman that always put her students’ needs and safety above anything else. She had just done her job, following the rules. All those times he had gotten caught up in Erics random accidents it was never clear who of the two had actually caused it and even if both of them had always said that it was Erics fault, besides their words there was no evidence for that and the two of them could be lying. So he knew why the Principle had to disciple both of them each time.
Eric was just himself and Aiden honestly loved him for that. He had a bubbly personality and always managed to make Aiden smile, even if he felt like shit. He was also the one who always protected him, the ‘nerd’, from bullies that deemed themselves stronger and greater than the rest. Eric wasn’t the most powerful at the school and definitely not the smartest one since he never really payed attention in class. That was also the reasons he constantly got himself in trouble for not following the rules they were thought in order to stay safe. But he got around somehow and he knew how to defend himself if necessary. Something that Aiden lacked completely.
When they first met, Aiden had been pushed around by the ‘Cool Kids’ of school for nearly one moth already and it only got worse per day. Eric had pulled him away from their grasp and saved him, then went back to pretty much ignoring him saying he just was done with his roommate constantly having to fix himself up again so that the teachers wouldn’t find out. But he still sticked around, making sure those bullies stayed away and the two of them eventually grew close.
Eric had been the one who was there when he was at his bottom. He was the one who slowly build him up again and helped him on his feet when he had nothing to live for anymore. When his parents had managed to completely destroy his self-esteem and he was ready to kill himself. With a trembling lip Aiden traced over the scars on his wrist that didn’t seem to want to fade anytime soon.
He looked up surprised when Eric gave him a tight hug.
“I’m so sorry. I know I always get you in trouble. If your parents should ever get to know of any of these things I will personally explain them. I will tell them that it was me who caused it and that you had nothing to do with any of those things. That I was the one who got you caught up in them. I promise I won’t let them hurt you again,” his roommate mumbled against his ear and Aiden nibbled on his lower lip while his eyes welled up with tears.
“Please don’t,” Aiden said with a trembling voice before taking a breath to steady it a little bit, “They would just forbid me to see you again.” He looked upwards trying to blink the tears that were threatening to spill out of his eyes away but to no avail. The first tear rolled down his cheek and a soft sob escaped his lips. Eric just pulled him closer with one hand that he had securely placed around Aidens waist while drawing circles on his back with the other hand.
“I don’t wanna lose you,” he sobbed into Erics shoulder, snugging his arms around his roommates chest and letting his hands grab onto the fabric of Erics plain white t-shirt. Or at least it had been a white shirt but after the explosion most of it was rather black or brownish. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly before pulling away a bit, still not letting go of Eric completely.
“You smell burned”, he commented and Eric broke out into a fit of laughter whle bringing up one hand to softly wipe Aidens tears from his cheeks. Aidens lips curled up in a smile before he snuggled back into Erics hug, wanting more of the comfort that his roommate provided him.
“I promise I’ll pay more attention in class from now on and not get into trouble again,” Eric said, being serious again all of a sudden before chuckling, “at least I will try.” Aiden gulped slightly, he didn’t want Eric to change for him. He was perfect for who he was.
“I will make sure you won’t get hurt again,” he mumbled while placing his head on top of Aidens. He slightly tightened the hug again for a second before releasing Aiden and Aiden involuntarily whined at the loss of warmth. He could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks when Eric smirked at him before Aiden looked down to the ground in order to hide his reddening cheeks.
“We should probably really go to class though or we’ll end up being send to the principal’s office yet again for being too late. We only have 5 minutes left,” Eric commented and Aiden nodded but stopped Eric again when he started walking.
“Let me take care of our clothes and that horrible smell first though,” he said and Eric looked down at himself, his eyes growing wide.
“No, that was my favourite shirt!” he whined, then looked up at Aiden with a pout on his lips, “Please save it” And so Aiden gathered the concentration he needed for his task.
“საათის უკან დაბრუნება - ასე რომ სუნი და გამოიყურება - დაუბრუნდნენ იმას, თუ როგორ იყვნენ ისინი ადრე“, he mumbled and a rather big bluish glowing magic circle appeared underneath their feet, the burned parts of their clothing transforming back into the state they were in before the explosion. Then the magic circle disappeared again and Aiden breathed out.
“You sure you did everything correct? It still kinda smells burned,” Eric commented and Aiden shot him an annoyed glare.
“It just smells burned because you think it still does. It’s like a Placebo effect,” he said, then straightened his shirt before heading to class, Eric following suit.
They would get scolded for not wearing their proper attire but that was a scolding Aiden had to endure. There was no time to head back to their dorm and even if they did, he wasn’t too sure how much of their clothes had survived the explosion to begin with. He had only managed to build up a shield around the two of them in time so that they wouldn’t get severely hurt. The rest of the room however had been blown up completely.
He sighed once again, hoping their Principle had finished rebuilding their dorm by the time classes ended so he could go home, get some decent food and then go to sleep. This day had only begun but he already wanted to go back to sleep, forgetting everything that had happened in the short span of 1 hour and all the shit that was about to follow.
“What was that potion for to begin with?” he asked his roommate but Eric just shrugged.
“Don’t know but it said it had to be heated up and I thought using the Microwave for that would make things faster and easier,” he explained and Aiden rolled his eyed before Eric pushed the doors to their classroom open, letting Aiden enter first, then following suit.

[turn back the clock- so that smell and look- are back to how they used to be] -> meaning of the spell, language is Georgish, just took it for its looks since it seemed somewhat like a magical writing…

Writing Prompt challenge Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon