They treated her like the god she was to them

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His eyes were filled to the brim with tears and he could feel the blood slowly creeping down his arms and forehead as he carried the little shining light in his hands to his home. Hell.
Humans had a strange though about this place and well, him. But Lucifer wasn’t how everyone thought he was. He had been one of the guards god had created that were supposed to watch over the souls that died and were bought to heaven. Yes, every single soul was bought there and it was a mess.
Souls had to stay there to wait for a new body they got appointed to. There was constant fighting over who was allowed to enter the next body even if in the end, god was the one to choose and no one understood how he decided on that. Lucifer had been sick of constantly having to pull souls of all kinds of colours apart but he had found an interesting connections. Light blue ones almost never ended in fights while red and purple ones constantly showed up in them. He had seen everything up to this point except for one colour. Not even once had he seen a pure white one. That was until today. But this soul was special to him anyways.
When he had finally made the decision to run away he expected, no he hoped, his father, god, would look for him but it never happened. At first he had been disappointed as he hoped god would care at least a little bit about one of his own sons but apparently he didn’t. At least not enough to notice that one of them was missing.
Lucifer had ended up wandering the forbidden lands of hell, how god had always called it during his lessons. He had told them it was a horrifying place no one should ever step foot into but here he was, calling it his home. Maybe now, that he had gathered his own kind, his demons, around him, people could call it horrifying though he would rather describe it as beautiful. He really hoped the girl would like it here and wouldn’t be too scared when she found out who all of them really were. He hoped it would be a pleasant surprise for her instead.
Lucifer had found her after several centuries of loneliness. At first he liked the silence and how calm it was but as the years passed by he had longed for some kind of interaction with a living being. He had ended up creating a muddy golem, not exactly being the most creative but for a few years it was enough. He had a friend. Just that this friend couldn’t think for himself and only did what Lucifer had told him. He had decided to search for a soul for his little friend and stole one of a woman that had just died. Her soul was about to be carried to heaven when he went in between, grabbed it and took it with him. He had placed the soul into the golem but the woman was far from happy about her new body. Lucifer had ended having to set her soul free again, letting her go to heaven after all.
Over the years he constantly tried to create a body that a human would like but his creations were never able to reach the humans expectations. Even when he got to the level of being able to create a human body the man he placed inside had been furious as the body wasn’t his own, felt wrong and was too skinny.
Not wanting to deal with the constant nagging anymore Lucifer had given up. He gave up on trying to find a companion until one day when he was on the human world a little girl walked straight in his direction. Her eyes were white and she carried a stick with a white ball at the tip, constantly dragging it from one side of the ground to the other as she walked. He hadn’t bothered to move out of the way since he wasn’t only invisible to humans but also transparent. This girl however walked straight into him, startling him to no beyond. She had apologised over and over again for running into him saying she couldn’t see and didn’t detect him with her Blinder’s wand. She had talked to him that day.
Lucifer had kept an eye on her, being intrigued on how it was possible that she touched and heard him. He had approached her again a few days later when she was alone in the park, sketching something on a book in her hands. She had smiled at him when he asked what she was drawing before showing him the magic she had created.
Lucifer was beyond surprised that a blind little girl was able to create such a masterpiece. It was a creature with green skin, big wings that were covered in scales and long fangs. She had explained to him that she loved to draw even if she never knew how it looked. She said a lot of people had praised her for being such a good artist and how hard it was to keep a smile up at those times, wanting to see her drawings just for one moment. He had promised himself to find a way to show the girl her creations. To somehow manage to give her sight. He just still had to figure out how.
The tears finally spilled as he walked through the main gate, getting the attention of the little family they had gathered during the last few years. They shot him worried and confused looks as they came closer.
She had been an amazing girl and Lucifer got inspired by her explanation on how she expected the creatures to look but he was even more mesmerized by how detailed she was able to describe how she imagined them to sound and feel, even to taste and smell. It was logical though since that were the senses she was actually able to use.
He had ended up creating one of her creatures and he loved how it turned out. When he told her she had just given him a sad smile, telling him she would love to see it and he still regretted to this day that he had made the girl go through that pain. He should’ve been more considerate but she just told him it was alright. Though he should’ve noticed back then that things weren’t alright. He should’ve noticed the sad smile she carried whenever she got there. He should’ve noticed that she had always been alone. Maybe then he could’ve protected her. But now it was too late.
He tried to blink his tears away, everyone had gathered around them at this point. All of those people who made her life a little bit better, a little bit happier. At least that’s what Lucifer hoped but there clearly was a side she hadn’t shown any of them. She had always been such a happy little girl when she spent time with them.
Lucifer could see the confused eyes that lingered on the white light in his hands and he only gave them a weak smile in return. They all had hoped for him to bring the girl here today, as it was her 18th birthday and they wanted to celebrate together.
The girl had also been the one who gave him the idea to search for creative minds and give those souls the bodies that the girl had designed. She had told him about how beautiful those people were in her eyes. That she loved how everyone described that they could see a spark in their eyes when they talked about something they loved. That they were maybe a bit crazy but fun to be around. That she hoped she was one of them and lord, she was.
The first time he had stolen such a soul and put it in the new body he expected the same reaction he had gotten all those decades before already. Rejection. But what he got was admiration and acceptance. The man even wanted a new name that matched his new looks and old madness. He ended up calling himself Rarzanor, saying it sounded cool. Lucifer had bought him along to the girl the next day and he had complimented her so much for her skills, saying how amazing she was and that he looked up to her for being so strong especially at her young age. Lucifer couldn’t be happier when the two of them got along really well and over the years he had ended up repeating that procedure several times, gathering a bunch of her creations around her that treated her like the god she was to them.
He even sometimes created smaller, more animal like creatures that he gave not human souls but those of pets or wild animal. He had kept a small mix of a cat and an owl as a pet for himself, always carrying it around with him. He loved the soft white fur that was littered with light black feathers and even though the girl never knew what kind of creature was laying on her lap, she never seemed to care about the weird mix she was combing though.
He carried her soul all the way to the main building in their town and Rarzanor opened the big metal doors for them. They all knew something went wrong. That something had happened. How could they not, Lucifer looked like a mess. He stepped into the halls, looking at the throne where the most beautiful creature throned that he had ever created.
Lucifer had asked her about a year ago what body she would want to have if she could choose and she had shyly given him another sketchbook that Lucifer had never seen before. It had been buried deep within her bag. When he had opened it, it was filled with the most amazing drawings he had ever seen of the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. It had taken him one year to finish his creation but it was the most perfect one he had ever done so far. Beautiful 5 tails that were usually wrapped around each other while walking. Furry ears that blended perfectly into her short reddish brown hair. Big brown golden beautiful eyes which were able to see everything clear and perfect.
He walked up to the body and kneeled down before blowing the Soul right into the body. She shouldn’t have died that early. Not when she had only turned 18.
Lucifer had been planning to finally tell her who he was. He was planning to tell her what he had been doing all those years and who the people were that she constantly interacted with. He had been planning to tell her that he had finished her body that she could claim when she died. That this body was waiting for her and when it was time she would be able to see everything she had drawn throughout her years. That she would be able to see.
But when he had gotten to the park, their usual meetup, she didn’t show up. He had been worried and went to look for the girl at her home. Her parents seemed normal, eating breakfast in the kitchen but the girl wasn’t with them. Then he looked into her room where he found her. Her dead body was hanging on a rope around her neck from the ceiling whilst her soul was just being escorted to heaven. Lucifer had put up a fight to get her soul back, his former brother and sister not wanting to let go of such a rare pure soul but Lucifer had to get a hold of her. He had to grant her the one wish she had. To see her own creations. And he would.
He had hoped it would take longer though. He had hoped she would be able to live a long life, getting to know all sorts of things. Make experiences knowing she only lived once, not that that was true. But it did give a certain kind of sensation as far as Lucifer knew. The other demons had told him a lot about those experiences, making him almost jealous that he had never been able to feel it himself. Now that the girl had taken her life, she wouldn’t be able to experience that either. With the live Lucifer chose for her, she would be stuck with eternity or she could decide to go to heaven and eventually start a new life in a new body.
Whatever the girl would decide on, he swore to himself that he would always stay by her side and make sure that she was fine. He failed once, not noticing how unhappy and hurt she truly was and that wouldn’t happen twice.
Her new body slowly started to move. First only her fingers slightly twitched, then her whole upper body straightened itself. Only then she opened her eyes, looking around confused. Then she gaped, bringing her hands over her mouth as tears started to well up in her eyes. She looked around at all the creatures she designed and who were staring at her like she was art. Well she indeed was art. She had in fact become a piece of her own art.
“Welcome home”, Lucifer whispered before embracing her into a tight hug.

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