1 - dreams and searching

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"Dad, I want to be a singer. I want to perform on stage." Yuxin told her father. They are now in the dining room of their huge and highly secure mansion located in a secluded part of Beijing. Since young, she has always enjoyed performing on stage, dancing and singing to the cheers of the crowd. Its her happy place. But considering her family background, she was always restricted with bodyguards following everywhere she goes to protect her from the enemies and other gangs.

"No. You know I can't protect you if your identity is exposed." Her father, Lin Meng (James, Yuxin popping teacher irl), sighed upon hearing her daughter dreams. He has always supported her but letting her chase her dreams at the risk of endangering her life? He couldn't.

"I can always hide my identity like I always do." Yuxin tried to reason him.

Lin Meng slammed the table. "No, its too risky. I will not let you do it. End of discussion."

Yuxin sighed in disappointment. She gave him one last look and stood up. "Why do you always decide everything in life for me? Why can't I do something I like for once? Why can't you support my dreams like you always do? I don't want to stay here." Yuxin clenched her fist and left the table.

Lin Meng motioned the bodyguards to follow her. "Guard the doors and don't let her leave without my permission. If she escapes, you know what will happen to you." He motioned a neck slice making the bodyguards shiver and gulp.

"Yuyan, go and talk some sense into your sister." Lin Meng told the other girl who has a cold expression witnessing the verbal exchange at the table.

"You know you can't always lock her up right?" Yuyan sighed and stood up to follow Yuxin to her room.

Once Yuxin reached her room, she took out her backpack and stuff the bag with as much money she can fit.

Yuyan came into the room witnessing the scene. She sighed for the second time today, "Are you really leaving home? Do you even have a plan?"

"Yes, I'm going to live with Shuxin and Xueer. Then, find a job while I write my own music." Yuxin continued to look around for anything important. She grabbed onto the necklace her mom gave her.

"She always advised us to do what ever we want in life and she died while doing what she loves too. She lived a very happy life you know." Yuxin said smiling and looking at the necklace remembering her mother.

Yuyan stood beside her non-biological sister as she also remembered Mrs Liu who adopted her after her parents died in a mission and who also acted as her motherly figure ever since then until her last breath. "Are you sure about this?" Yuyan asked and looked at her sister holding back her tears.

"I am." Yuxin said with determination in her voice.

"Then, I'll support you no matter what." Suddenly, Yuyan's cold expression vanished and replaces with a reassuring smile as she hugged her sister.

Although Yuxin was sad a moment ago, she is shocked by the sudden heart-warming gesture of her very cold and blunt sister who usually doesn't show this side of her. "Yuyan, you are squeezing me too tight."

"Deal with it." Yuyan tightens her hug even more.

Yuxin feeling suffocated, lightly tapped Yuyan's back and almost whispering because she is out of breath. "I need air."

Yuyan finally released the hug and returned to her cold expression.

Yuxin panted as if she lost air supply for a few minutes (she actually did). "Why are you so strong?"

"Deal with it. Do you have a plan to escape?" Yuyan asked

Yuxin smiled but it was the 'asking for help' smile. "Help me."

Yuyan sighed for the third time today. "I'll distract them. You leave on your own. Boss will kill me if he knows I helped you."

Yuxin stood straight and saluted her. "Yes, boss." And both broke into a smile.

Yuyan went down and spotted two guards at the entrance of the building. She tapped them. "Do you guys have a cig?"

The guard on the left gave her a cig and the guy on the right helped her ignite using a lighter. "Give me the lighter." she ordered.

Yuyan took the lighter and went to the backyard. After checking the surroundings, she threw the lighter on the concrete floor away from the mansion.

"FIRE FIRE FIRE" she screamed and pushed the fire alarm.

The guards, upon hearing her screams, rushed to her for help.

Yuxin got startled by the sudden fire alarm but soon realise it's the distraction. "Yuyan, I only asked you to help me to distract them. NOT START A WHOLE FIRE." Yuxin said to herself as she grabbed her things after hearing the fire alarm.

Using the chance, Yuxin threw the rope she made with her blanket down the balcony. She climbed down the rope and jumped down because the rope was short and fell as a result. Ignoring her bruised knees, she ran as fast as she could and started her car parked near the entrance.

'Here goes nothing.'

She drove out the mansion succeeding in her escape.


"Find me a better guard. I don't like them pushing my fans." Kun told his manager.

"They are already the best in the service, Kun." His manager replied.

"I don't care. Actually we don't need strong, tall and big-bodied muscular men who are ill-mannered. We just need someone who is skilled and able to respond to dangers but at the same time treat my fans with respect."

"I'll try to find someone that matches those description." His manager sighed and left the room.

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