2 - passion and kindness

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Author's note: Updates on this book will be relatively slower because school just started :( but don't worry i'll finish this one. I like the plot for this book the best out of the three books. Thank you for reading 💙

"Liu Yuxin, did you really ran away from home?" Shuxin asked as she helped the girl settle down in her house.

"I did." Yuxin smiled sheepishly knowing she can finally do what she wants to do.

"Why suddenly?" Xueer asked confused and takes the seat beside her friend on the sofa.

"I'm gonna write music and perform on stage." Yuxin was home schooled. Her tutor Ella taught her piano and basic composing skills. Since then, she has always been passionate in creating music, street dancing and then perform on stage. The rush adrenaline whenever she stands on stage is her guilty pleasure. Soon, it turns into pleasure and became her dream. She sneaked out of home once in a while to do busking and street dancing. But, those weren't able to suffice her desires anymore and she wanted to do it openly for the rest of her life. Thus, leading to this and running away from home.

"Finally, I'm so proud of you! You can stay here as long as you want." Shuxin hugged Yuxin and patted her back.

"We can finally be triplets in pink pajamas." Xueer hugged them.

Underneath the hug, sensing danger, Yuxin said "Errr... I'm not wearing it. I'm fine with my green zebra ones."

Xueer pouted, "You do know those are ugly right? I'm still gonna make you wear them one day."

Yuxin shakes her head and arms crossed. "Not gonna happen Xue Zi"

"Whats your plan now?" Shuxin asked Yuxin.

"I'm gonna start writing music with Keyin's help in her studio. That whole bag should be about 1 million RMB and I have some more in my secret account." Yuxin pointed at the backpack she brought along with her.

"Good, now treat us a good meal." Xueer clapped at the sight of the bag of money.

"I will" Yuxin laughed at her enthusiasm for food.

"Let's all sleep now. I still have a shooting tomorrow and a meeting with my fake boyfriend." Shuxin rolled her eyes and frowned.

"When is that fake dating going to end?" Xueer chucked teasing her clearly agonizing friend.

"I don't know. My company thinks its good for publicity but its tiring keeping up with his stuck up ass and act lovey dovey in front of the cameras." Shuxin rolled her eyed again.

Yuxin chuckled at her cute angry and clearly pitiful friend. "Its okay, Little Aunt. You can do it."

She continued, "You guys go to sleep. I'm just gonna buy some snacks at the nearby convenience store."

"Don't stay up too late." Xueer reminded and they left for their rooms.

Yuxin quickly put her things in the guest room and went downstairs.

She encountered a security guard inside the elevator holding a package. She smiled and greeted him. "Hello."

But his face is grimaced in pain.

Triad Princess and her Prince Chraming | Kun x Yuxin |Where stories live. Discover now