3: Star

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I wish upon a star
That I don't fall apart
Would that make me an outlier
Well why don't you tell me
My bad I forgot your senses were locked and you threw out the key
But you didn't forget to make a copy
For the allies I introduced you to

I thought you were the best
Crazy how I forgot there's better versions
You'd joke and tease at my energy
But I'm starting to think
Could you have been jealous of me?
I toss and turn
Saying it doesn't bother me
But everytime I sneak a peek
The smoke consumes me
And I can't think of anything else
I'd talk about your value
My admiration bordering jealousy
But I only wanted the best for you
Lame of me to think you are doing the same

Dismissing my tears
Ensuring me I overthink
I played my part
Thinking there is no one to blame
Sad it took five minutes for someone to ensure me nothing has changed

I won't sit back and wish
It's always said actions speak louder than words
So thanks universe for this star
But I'll replace this tape with a bandage
Press the button to stop the repeat
And wait to fully heal
While I surround myself
With genuine people already with a heart
And my best interest within

Author's Intention: I feel this is an easy poem to interpret. I wrote it after a few months of losing a relationship. Any relationship. It started with that one line of "I wish upon a star" and eventually led to my therapy. (I sing random things and sometimes get these one liners I'm urging to write down and make a poem out of.) I found myself lingering on this person and just wanted to move on and not be effected by it anymore. It is about feeling left out and trying to find out what you did wrong. Until eventually you realize, "I did all I could." If the person wanted to keep that relationship they would have fought for it and for you. It is harder when you felt a strong connection and only thought the best about them. I remembered there are "other fish in the sea." Other people who can meet those standards you had for them, and are worthy of you. Do not ignore your loved ones.

- LA Song

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