Chapter 13: Bartender Doesn't Count

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I write down the words my professor says while he does his lecture. I have an important test in this class on Monday. I have the weekend to study with Niylah. We are both going over to my apartment to study with no distractions. We really need this. Anytime we study Octavia comes along.

Don't get me wrong, I love Octavia's company, but her and Niylah are pretty much attach by the hip. It is crazy cute, but I need to study; so I made a rule that no crushes are allowed to our study date tonight. Don't tell Octavia I called it a study 'date'.

"The test doesn't seem like it will be hard. Based on what Pike was saying, it sounds like the test will be easy." Niylah says while we walk out of the lecture room.

"Yes, but that's what Pike wants us to think," I start theorizing, "What is he wants to make use weak and helpless, so when we do take the test, it will be so hard we all die." Niylah laughs.

"Pike isn't that bad." She shakes her head and I gasp at her.

"I heard the last time he gave a test it killed so many college students." I nod at my assumption.

"How many?"

"299." Niylah scoffs at my answer.

"299? Why not round it up to 300 if you are going to make up a number?" Niylah laughs at me.

"Because one got out with only a battle scar. The only one who has ever made it out of a Pike Human Anatomy test alive." Niylah laughs and shakes her head, "Fine, don't believe me, but when I am at your funeral and I have to comfort your grieving family, I won't feel bad."

"I'll feel bad for you. My dad is crazy." The two of us laugh while we walk to my dorm room. The conversation remains light until we get to my room. I sit on one side of the bed and she sits on the other side with her legs crossed. We have books scattered across the blankets and pillows.

I sigh and look around, "Okay, so, how are we going to do this?" I ask Niylah as she looks around at all the notes and books. Both of us are suddenly over whelmed.

"We can ask each other questions." Niylah shrugs and I agree with her idea. We both start questioning each other. When anyone stubbles on a question we would both dig through the piles of notes and books till we found proof on the answers.

I get 57 out of the 65 questions she asks correct and she gets 59 out of the 65 questions I ask correct. I groan at the number of questions I got correct. We have been studying for 2 and a half hours and I got 8 wrong. That's it. I am going to fail.

"Clarke, it is 7 and I am hungry." Niylah says as she closes her books and grabs her notes from my bed, "I think I am going to head out." Niylah gives me a small smile.

"Okay. Tomorrow?" I ask. I have to get all 65 correct. I can't fail this because it is worth 35% of my grade.

"Tomorrow, I'll text you." Niylah says and while she walks out, Anya walks in, "See ya, Clarke." She says while she leaves.

"Bye." I call back and look at my books. Anya looks Niylah up and down while she leaves. Once the door is closed, Anya speaks.

"She's hot." Anya flops on her bed and pulls out a book.

"She's taken." I respond while I look over a few notes that I forgot to read.

"I don't care." I roll my eyes at Anya, she is on my last nerve.

"What's your problem?" I will probably regret this. I am tired and talking out of anger.

"I have no problem, I just speak the truth." Anya shrugs and turns the page in her book.

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