Concert -chapter 8

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I woke up with my hair thrown all over my face with the ice cream tipped over

Luckily it was empty.

I looked in the mirror with disgust mainly because I looked like a troll but because I was alone.

The great thing about living on the other side of the campus were that no one actually had to share a dorm

Meaning no one had to see me at my worst

It was about 2;00 in the afternoon on a Saturday and I realized the concert

Since I had no life,no friends or anything to actually do I decided to text Hasley and tell her I wanted to go

I decided I had enough of the Titanic,feeling sorry for myself,and Icecream.

Okay I take back the icecream part because I could never actually have enough.

Surprisingly she texted me back within seconds, I was surprised because no one actually has talked to me in basically a week.

Id love that you want to go, oh my gosh Thankyou so much pick you around 6 because traffic and everything. I'm out right now getting a dress so see you then girl.

She was honestly a little to exited but then again I was a little too.

I honestly didn't know what to where because well I've never actually been to a concert "loser" right? I know but my dad always thought they were "bad for my health" doing math is bad for my health not concerts

Anyways I went searching through my closets
I decided I'd wear some jeans and a ripped shirt.

I thought maybe this was the right outfit

And then I blow-dried my hair and put it in a loose top knot bun

After I did everything I had to it was 5;50

"Knock knock are you there" I heard Hasley talking through the door

"Hey yeah one second" I said as I walked to the door

As soon as she came she said "um what are you wearing summer" she giggled a little as she said as in "you look like trash summer what are you actually thinking wearing that"

"Oh um I didn't know what to wear, so I threw something on and tu dah" I said spinning around

"Okay let's go to my dorm really quick I have something " as she walked out I followed along wondering what in the hell she had for me

When we finally got up to her dorm she rummaged through her closet " here try this on" and she threw it at me in a hurry

I tried it on and it actually looked really nice I've never worn anything like this

It was black but cut out around the middle on the sides, see through but cute. Definitely not too showy

I came out of the bathroom "oh my, you look flawless" she said putting her hand over her mouth

"Now you hair, come sit." She said patting the seat to her white vanity

"Your hair, your hair" she said tapping her finger to her mouth

" okay I know what I'll do" she said taking my hair from the bun it had been in

10 mins later

" okay you can look now" it was cute.

My hair actually looked cute.
It was parted it the middle but one side was back.

I had winged liner and a bit of concealer

"You definitely look concert ready lets go!" She said clapping her hands and spinning me off the seat while grabbing her purse

Traffic was harsh but we made it in time

It was huge blinking lights everywhere

Kind of amazing actually

Let's go they already started

"Um tickets girls" a big tall guy said
" here here" Hasley said dragging me down the ramp

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to party!!!" They yelled almost to much

"YESSS! " the crowed roared

"I SAID ARE YOU READY TO PARTY" he said for the second time

" WOOOOOO" the crowed roared again

The band piled out

There he was

The guy I've been writing in my diary about


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