Intro and Copy Right

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Copyright © By Kenzie Dyer

All rights reserved.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, distributed, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, print or otherwise).

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are coincidental.


Well, hello there.

 It's me, Kenzie. But you already know that if you're here. This book is my embarrassment zone and your splash zone. I live for the thrill of guts and blood, suspense and messed up stalkers and BA fighters and warriors. My kryptonite, romance. Maybe because I'm hella shy. Oh, I have plenty of x-rated thoughts in this mind and writings on this ancient computer of mine, but to share them um, *insert full body blush* BUT as I love my readers and you guys have patiently stood by and waited for these moments, I'm going to suck it up and share the naughty side of my writings.  

Things to remember before entering ( yes, wordplay. I've got to warm myself up here peps.) :

-Judgment free zone: I love receiving comments from all of you and I accept the good with the bad, but have mercy on my shy soul. Also, feel free to leave me a list of books you guys have read that are more X-rated on and off wattpad so I can improve my steamy side.

-Confession: I am TERRIBLE at reading. I try to read more, I do. But it's like pulling teeth. I prefer to write, always have. It's something I am working on improving because reading is what they say makes you a better writer (hooray for word searches in books and the ability for my phone to read to me!) So what does this mean, Kenzie has read maybe a handful of romances in her LIFETIME. And erotica, like two books. PLEASE leave FEEDBACK if you are an avid reader. This author's slow a** will never be able to read enough books until she's 90 at the pace she's going, and life's too short. 

Okay, melodramatics over. It's time to buckle up for some awkwardness and panty wetting reading. 

PS: I am going to set the chapters to private, so you will have to follow me to see them.  #thisisforthefans!

PSS: Scene one of Trisley will be posted today with more to come if well received.(<-- unintentional wordplay, but, hey, I'll take it)  In the meantime, I am going to re-post the former chapters of  this book that feature the characters in my Fawn Hollow series. Consider it your warm-up because the awkwardness of Temperance and Eben is going to turned into full steam with Trisley.

Tristan: Hurry and push publish you, bloodless blood bag.

Kenzie: I...Do I have too!?!?!??!

Tristan: Yes, I need my human, and I need her now. Like right now—legs spread, wet, and—

Kenzie: Okay, stop! Not here in the intro!!!

Tristan: *annoyed face*

Kenzie: Stop looking at me like that. I. Is. Shy.

Tristan: You don't press publish soon, and I am going to hack your computer and publish everything you've ever written.

Kenzie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Okay, okay. I'm hitting the publish button, you ungrateful fanged evil monster. 

Tristan: You lusty mortals can thank me later, that is if your panties aren't—

Kenzie: *Presses publish to stop Tristan from the filth about to come out of his mouth*

The Splash ZoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora