Trisley: Scene Three-Own Her

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* Kenzie is refusing to read what she has written. She ran it through grammarly but fears if she reads it, she'll never hit that publish button. This is possibly a slaying of Tristan's character, Kenzie apologizes and will revisit this hot mess after she spends many months digesting and feasting on smut. Until then, enjoy the mess, or at the very least chuckle at one of your favorite author's attempts to write a thanksgiving offering for her fans. 

Tristan's POV

Kinley's timid hands clasp the remaining spiked cuff onto my left wrist, freeing my ebony blood. Her eyes linger on the puncture sight before falling slave to that ache burning in her throat. Her gaze tracks the zigzag running the length of my forearm before it slips off. She nips the edge of her lip, entranced as she watches my blood slide down my ribs, teasing her, daring her to lick what she now craves. Vampire blood is highly addictive. The older we are, the more potent the high.

"Does it hurt?" Kinley snaps her attention to the metal spike driven deep enough its past muscle tissue and nerves. It's invading my bone. The healing properties within me work quickly to mend the break, but there is no way to heal it. Like the trunk of a tree ingesting foreign objects left hanging on it for too long, my cells grow around the intrusion until the spike becomes a part of me.

"Only if I misbehave," I reply.

The engorged length of me is painful, throbbing with need and slick with Kinley's juices. Her sweetness still coats my throat from my greed to pull her into the deepest recesses of me—ingesting her. The heavenly nectar of Kinley. It's a savor I could easily get addicted to. Almost as delicious as her cinnamon spiced life force.

My cock pulses at the visual perfection of the way her back arched high for me, curving into the pleasure as she pressed the side of her face into the mattress, the nightgown restraining her. I've never been more thankful that my mattress is firm. Kinley's bed wouldn't have the same effect. Too soft. It would have cradled her back and deprived me of the visual already seared into my black soul.

Kinley's attention returns to my dripping blood. She bites harder on that pouty bottom lip of hers. She feels more exposed, vulnerable, aware. She's not used to being a creature who's in control. My blood may be running through her veins, but it isn't enough for her to mount this hurdle. She'll have to make the decision for herself.

A single featherlight stroke runs up the ridges of my ribcage, smearing black blood as Kinley tentatively touches me. "I know I said put on the chains, but I...I'm not sure about the rest of this. I mean, I know how it goes, but I've never pictured myself being the one who does the taking." Kinley glides her hand down my side, taking her time to feel the expansion of my breaths.

Oxygen helps calm me, giving me something else to fixate on other than the pink triangle of flesh I can see between Kinley's legs as she climbs back onto the bed. She's let the mint-green nightgown I had retraining her cover her back up, an extra layer of protection from my feasting gaze. The way I look at her unsettles her as much as it excites her. It's always been that way between us.

"Are you sure you have to have the chains? It seems a little extreme just for us to be able to kiss and touch during the act." Kinley brushes her fingertips over my pelvic bone, creating swirls as if she is drawing those crushed flowers in her hair on me. She's establishing her level of comfort at the sake of my patience.

The shadow beast comprised of the energy I've funneled out of me stares at me from behind Kinley. The vibrations of his growl rumble throughout my cells, warning me I'm on the verge of collapse. Our merger will leave me with new hands growing back as I break Kinley in all the ways my kind are capable of achieving.

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