Middle School

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     Konpeki and Kacchan were now in middle school. Kacchan was now pretty famous for defending others in their school, mainly because Konpeki urged him to do something. He mainly defended Konpeki. And if anyone hurt Kacchan they wouldn't be seen for another day or so after, and when asked they said nothing. But no one suspected Konpeki at all, except for those that incurred his wrath. 

     It made Konpeki slightly angry when the teacher just threw up those papers and just assumed they all wanted to be heroes. Even if he was right, it was still messy and irresponsible. Kacchan looked at him, knowing by now he was bothered by messes and people being irresponsible. At this Konpeki calmed, happy that his friend was concerned about him. He still had the urge to clean up all the papers though. Probably what came from cleaning up after his lazy brother all the time. He missed Papy... At least he had Kacchan and a mother now. 

     Soon, Kacchan and Konpeki left for home, going down a different path then normal as Kacchan said, "I don't want to deal with those idiot extras." 

     Konpeki was a bit upset that he was calling them idiots, but he knew he couldn't change Kacchan's mind. And he guessed they were kind of idiots for bullying kids and expecting to be heroes without even feeling bad. And he supposed Kacchan didn't want the bullies getting to Konpeki. It hurt to hear them talking about looking down on him. At least they said it to his face, unlike in his old home... 

     He missed Papy. He sometimes got mad at how he tried to push Error over the edge with an attack, but knew Papy just thought Error was evil. He sometimes got mad when he remembered Dusty getting hit over the edge. Then he got sad. He wasn't ever going to see Papy, Error, Dust, or any of his other friends ever again. His SOUL ached. 

     "What's wrong Konpeki?" Kacchan demanded, seeming concerned. 

      Konpeki's SOUL stopped aching, and instead warmed at seeing his friend care for him so much. 

     "Nothing, just thinking!" he said cheerfully. 

     Kacchan stared at him for a moment deciding he was being honest. They continued on their way home. They ended up encountering a sludge villian on the way home but they both took care of it. Then All Might arrived. Kacchan kept his fanboying internal while Konpeki outwardly fanboyed. 

     Kacchan ended up having to drag Konpeki away, but not before All Might gave them both autographs. Konpeki would later tease him for his internal fanboying and Kacchan would furiously deny. Even though Kacchan couldn't deny he was happy from the praise from All Might for helping capture the villain. They decided on not telling anyone though, since people probably wouldn't believe them anyway. 

     One day when walking by what used to be a beautiful beach. Konpeki then convinced him that it would be good training to clean up the garbage on the beach. They did this whenever they could. They had to train hard for the entrance exams at UA. 

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