Chapter 11: A Living Nightmare

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Ron was trying to steady his nerves by taking deep breaths of the salt air but it did nothing to calm him. He opened his eyes to look at the ocean and beach, the moon casting a heavenly glow above it all. It didn't seem right to be in such a beautiful place after having seen such ugly things. He turned his head to look up at the cottage, finding the window that he knew to be the spare room that he had once occupied. Hermione was in that room, hopefully getting some much needed sleep. Ron shut his eyes tightly. The sound of the ocean could not block out the echoes of Hermione screaming in pain as Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured her. He had failed her again, he thought, silent tears streaming down his face. When they had begun this journey, he had vowed that he would protect her, put her safety before his own, and he had failed her. Ron sank down onto the sand, giving himself up to the emotions that he had been trying to keep in check. His body shook with the fury of his sobs. When he was done, he was left with nothing except a fierce anger.

24 Hours Before:

Everything was happening too quickly, Ron thought. One minute they were talking, the next minute Snatchers were at the tent. He spit on the ground, pretty sure a tooth had come out with all of the blood that had been in his mouth. Ron's hands and feet were bound but he wasn't concerned about himself. He was worried about whether or not they would recognize Harry. He didn't even recognize Harry.

Ron looked up to see Greyback walking over to Hermione. She could see her shaking, knew that she was terrified beyond belief but she was trying to hold her composure. He watched as Greyback put his hands on her and he felt his blood go cold. Not only was Greyback touching her but there was no mistaking the leers and suggestive glances that the other Snatchers were throwing her way. Ron tried to get Harry's attention; they had to somehow distract them from Hermione, but Harry's eyes were so puffed up that he could barely even see Ron. The thought that they could possibly violate her filled him with a rage he did not know he possessed.

Ron was momentarily filled with relief as Greyback moved away from Hermione only to be filled instantly with dread when he realized that they had discovered Harry's true identity. This was it, he thought, it was over. You-Know-Who would be summoned and he would be forced to watch as both the girl he loved and his best friend were killed. His mind raced trying to figure out what they could do to get out of the situation but it was hopeless. Their wands had been taken, and now all three of them were bound together with Dean and a goblin. As he was pulled to his feet, he tried to make eye contact with Hermione but she was on the other side of Harry and could not see Ron's face. Before he could do anything, he felt nothing but the uncomfortable tightness of Disapparating before his body hit the hard ground before the gates of Malfoy Manor.

Hermione was trying to focus on Ron but he was blurry from the tears in her eyes. He was on the ground and she could see him spitting blood out of his mouth. She had yelled at them not to hurt him but they ignored her. Instead, she had drawn the attention to herself. Greyback was trailing his fingers down her face, letting them linger on her neck and shoulder. She tried to block out how horrid he smelt, how foul his breath was as it blew across her face. The past few months she had known fear but not like this. Hermione knew exactly what would be done to her if she was left to Greyback and it petrified her. She glanced at Ron and saw the rage on his face. They grabbed her roughly then, forcing her down onto the ground next to Harry. She was barely aware of what they were saying but they had discovered Harry's true identity and were discussing how to proceed. Greyback wasn't a true Death Eater and could not summon You-Know-Who to their spot in the woods.

Hermione had just registered the fact that Dean and a goblin were also on the ground with them. Trying once again to focus, she realized they would be taking them to Malfoy Manor. There was a chance then, she thought, a chance that they could figure a way out of this mess.

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