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jennie remained silent as she ate, looking up at the entrance or any window to see if a certain demon prince will show up. the seer was not used to going around the palace without taehyung anymore that his absence made her feel anxious. like something was wrong.

"is there anything wrong, lady jennie?" the king asks before wiping his mouth with a table napkin. "do you not like the food? do you feel ill?" he adds.

"no, the food is fine." jennie answers. "where is prince taehyung? i did not see him today?" she finally asks.

"oh," the king lets out. "my son left to go to his cousin. it was urgent so it may be the reason why you were not informed." he answers, hiding a smirk.

"oh." it was jennie who says that this time.

she looks nack down on her food, already feeling full but she was still feeling anxious. something was definitely wrong. she have been feeling like this ever since she was kidnapped and taehyung brushed that feeling away from her.

what is it that is making her feel like something was wrong?

"i was wondering when you will ask me why i kept you here when i stopped questioning you." the king starts making jennie look at the king immediately. "but i grew tired so i'll tell you myself. go on. ask me why." he grins.

jennie gulps, feeling her throat dry. she suddenly felt so terrified. like she didn't want to know and but want to at the same time.

"why?" the seer asks the king hoarsely.

"have you ever been told that you were supposed to be the greatest seer to have ever lived?" the king asks and jennie nods.

"i am not supposed to. i am meant to be the greatest. it can never be changed." jennie answers.

"as the greatest, you are meant to save the world." the king says. "but here you are and the war is starting soon." he adds while tilting hus head to the side.

jennie froze. it felt like her heart stopped beating. of course. she was meant to save the world with her gift yet here she is being held captive by a king who will be starting a war in a few days.

"that is not possible. there will be no war!" jennie exclaims, standing up from her seat.

"but there will be and you won't be able to do anything. you will be of no help because by the time you get out of here, it will be too late." the king laughs. "you could not even give specific visions. you won't be able to help because there will be no time to decipher your vision." he adds.

jennie slumped down on her seat, dread eating up from the inside.

"now isn't that pathetic, lady jennie?" the king asks he mockingly. "to be given a gift that was meant to save the world yet the war hasn't even started and you already lost. i guess i changed the outcome. i accomplished the impossible." he laughed maniacally.

did he really?

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