Bruised (Jack Barakat)

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"Scarlett, please. You're being ridiculous" Her voice was stern, yet kind. It scared me how she could keep a sweet looking face, but still remain upset. I muttered some harsh words and gulped down my microwaved pasta meal that rested on my spoon.

I looked at my mother; her red curls, bouncing every which way and her soft pale skin covered in a few freckles. I noticed the slight red tint to her cheeks, that only showed when she was upset, which was exactly how she was feeling at the moment.

I then put my gaze back to my half finished pasta meal, that honestly looked nothing like the box said it would. "They should really be truthful about what the microwave dinners look like.." I giggle to myself before shaking my head.

"Is that all you're going to say, young lady?" I kept my gaze on the pasta and rested my spoon on the counter, just as I realized it was still in the grasp of my right hand. I took my both my hands and pushed myself out of my chair wobbling until I planted my feet on the ground.

"Actually, no. I was going to tell you I think your being unkind to your child. Not to mention that the 'dinner' you were going to make 'Dave' is burning.." Just as I finished, my mother's head spun around to face a smoking pan of spagetti.

I picked up my bowl and walked over to the sink and placed the rest of my 'meal' in part of the sink.

I then made my way out of the kitchen just as I was hearing a few lines of curse words from my mother and a loud groan from upstairs, where Dave was standing grasping ahold of the smoke. I snatched my bag from the ground and unhooked my car keys from the hook with my name printed above.

"Goodbye my lovely family"

And with that, I was out the door and jogging towards my truck.

Just as I got in, the smell of tropical air freshener wiggled it's away into my nose. I shut the truck door and put my keys into the engine. I must have forgotten to turn down my music last night because Green Day blasted my speakers and scared the shit out of me. I grumbled and turned down the beginning part to 'Jesus of Suburbia'.

The moment I started my car was the moment I backed out of my driveway and onto the open neighborhood road. I queitly sang while drumming my hands on the steering wheel as I stopped at the nearby stop sign just outside of my neighborhood. I heard a loud ringing sound and muted my music.

I grabbed my phone from the inner cupholder and checked the ID.

Big Mack was printed in bold white letters, as well as the number. I slid the 'answer' arrow and pulled the phone to my ear as I hit the highway.

"You rang?" I lifted up my eyebrow, even if he couldn't see it.

I heard a shuffle and then a laugh, "Yeah, can you pick me, Pete, Oli, and Dilan up from my house? My brother was going to drive us, but decided not too. I guess he was too busy." There was a pause before Mack continued, "I mean, we could walk there and all but it's dark and I might get jumped or gang banged, so no thank you."

I could tell Mack was looking down and rubbing his eyes. I checked the back seat for a brief second before nodding and laughing to myself, "Sure. I'll be there in ten. Just be dressed and ready" I focused my eyes back on the road at the sound of Mack making his, 'See ya' and a dial tone.

I turned on another road and started making my way to Mack's. I then turned up the chorus to Holiday and started to sing, which in my case was more like a strong dying animal sound.

It didn't take long for me to turn onto a street and see a giant, 'Riding Horse Neighborhood' sign, this indicated that I had finally made it to Mack's house since he was the first house on my right.

Bruised (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now