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~Vic pov~
As I walk into my new school I already like it better than my old one. In San Diego the schools are huge and full of popular kids, but here in Michigan everything is much more chill.

I've already stopped by the front office for a map and my schedule and everything, so now I'm on the hunt for my locker before I have to get to my first class.

"104, 105, 106," I mutter under my breath, finally locating the correct number.

It takes me a couple of tries to get the combination to work and I'm relieved when the door opens. I would hate having to ask for help with something this simple.

I arrange a few books and move stuff around in my locker until I'm happy with the organization, deciding I should start looking for my first class. When I close my locker door someone is standing right behind it and they scares the shit out of me.

"Fuck!" I shriek, putting my hand over my heart.

The guy starts laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Don't worry about it," I say politely, even though he should worry about it because I could have had a heart attack.

"I'm Justin, you must be new."

"Yeah, I just moved here, I'm Vic."

He smiles and starts walking beside me.

"Where do you need to go?" He asks, motioning towards my schedule.

"Uh, English? I think."

"Cool, I'll walk you there."


"So where'd you move from?"

Cue the dreaded questions.

"Um, San Diego."

"Why'd you come here? San Diego has beaches and sunshine and hot babes!"

I can't help but laugh, this guy is crazy but in a likable way.

"I'm just here staying with my cousin and her family for awhile."

"That sounds...fun? I don't know. I hope you like it here."

"Me too," I sigh.

He motions toward a door on our left and I thank him before going into the classroom.

I guess all schools are kinda the same in a few ways. They all have confusing hallways, boring classes, and grumpy teachers. By lunchtime I'm just about ready to give up and go home for a nap. I definitely can't do that though because my cousin, Lucy, would flip out if she caught me skipping, but I can dream.

I walk into the cafeteria and get my food, glancing around and spotting Justin waving like crazy for me to come over. I smile and make my way to his table.

"Hey Vic, sit with us!" He says, scooting over to make room for me.

"Thanks," I mumble, feeling a little uncomfortable with all these new people.

"Vic, that's Jack, Nick, Kellin, and Lzzy. Everyone this is Vic, he's from San Diego so he's insane for moving here."

What he doesn't know is that I didn't have a lot of say in the matter.

"Hi," I say, looking around at everyone. They all seem really nice and friendly. The one with black hair, Kellin I think, is kinda cute. He's sitting at the opposite side of the table from me, slid away from the others.

"We were just talking about Mrs. Brink, are you in her biology class?" Lzzy asks me. I'm so happy that they're accepting me without any question that I can't wipe the smile from my face. I was worried I had left all my friends at home just to be a sad loner here.

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