13. (Finish)

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I'm not sure if I can stand one more fucking minute in this airport. I'm supposed to be helping people right now! Kellin is in the fucking hospital trying to piece his life together after being abused for as long as he can remember,and Mike is in San Diego fighting a drug addiction. Am I helping either of them? No. I'm stuck in a fucking airport.

I feel wrong leaving my boyfriend when he desperately needs me, but Mike sounded so relieved when I offered to come home for awhile.

"Flight 186 is ready for departure, boarding will begin shortly," a voice over the loud speaker says.

Thank god.

I stand up and start gathering my bags.

I feel this pull towards home, towards Kellin, but I know I can't follow it, not right now at least.

I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder and grab my duffle, heading toward the line forming for the gate.

When I reach the lady scanning the tickets she takes mine and looks it over. The machine makes a beep and she hands it back to me.

"Thank you," I murmur.

She smiles back and I walk through the jetbridge before finding my seat.

While I gaze out the window I ponder what Kellin is doing. Is he home? Are they putting him in my room or in the smaller guest bedroom? Is he anxious or depressed? How much has he smoked today? Maybe he's still in the hospital cause they found something really wrong with him.

I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I'll text him when I land.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice asks from the isle.

I almost groan because I didn't want someone to sit by me, but when I look up it's Kellin.

A smile breaks out on my face and I stand up, nearly hitting my head on the low ceilings.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, feeling tears pricking my eyes.

"I thought I might go somewhere warmer for the summer before I go to college," he says with a shrug.

I wrap him in my arms and carefully squeeze him, loving how it feels to hold him again.

"We'd better sit down," he squeaks.

I give him one last squeeze before I let him go and we sit down.

"Is it okay that I'm coming with you?" He asks nervously.

I nearly roll my eyes at that ridiculous question.

"Of course it's okay, I was already worried sick about you and I just saw you a few hours ago."

He flushes pink and it's fucking adorable.

"I got to your house and everything felt wrong. I didn't want to be in this town anymore and I didn't want to be anywhere without you."

I take his hand in mine, giving it a firm squeeze. "It was killing me to leave you behind, knowing how much you're going through, but I know Mike needs me too."

"Well now you don't have to choose."

I can't stop smiling, this couldn't be more perfect. Of course when you think that, you start remembering all the reasons it's a bad idea.

"Wait, don't you have stuff here and like, stuff with your mom?"

He cringes and I regret bringing it up.

"They're gonna mail me everything I need once they empty my house and I will have to go back to testify in court, but I don't care. It'll all work itself out."

I can't help but agree with him.

When I think of my life last fall and what a mess I was, constantly depressed and lonely and cutting, compared to now, I know that Kellin is the real reason I'm doing better. It definitely helped to have a change of scenery and to make a bunch of awesome, new friends, but Kellin got me to open up and care about someone again. He made me care about myself too.

He rests his head on my shoulder after we take off and we both watch the sky outside of the window.

"Can you believe that such bad things brought us together?" He sighs.

"What do you mean?"

"If your mom hadn't died then you would never have moved to Michigan, and if my mom wasn't abusive then everything would have been different."

"Well if you look at it that way then I guess it was really our moms that brought us together."

"I'm happy to go through anything if it means being with you," he says quietly.

"Me too."

At that moment I look out at the sky that looks slightly like heaven, and I thank my mom for leading me to this beautiful boy.

Mom (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now