Human [Chapter 14]

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"The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human."

-Aaron Carter

                Steve bashed his shield at the Huntress and she rolled to the side to avoid it. As she rose she was facing his back and had the full advantage. But she was fighting a man that was enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum, just as she had been, but in a greater, properly made dose and a more planned out procedure. HYDRA had scrapped together any of the serum that they had given her, but she had some of it in her system, and had trained fighting men like Steve. Only, the people she trained with would kill her if given the chance; she had a feeling that the great Captain America would prefer hostages over victims. 

           The Huntress had years of training, years of small doses of the serum, but she did not have life skills, army skills, war experience, and she was far smaller than the Captain. This was a match that she could not win, but she was trying to escape, not defeat him. 

                Her small stature did help her as she avoided his hits and blows coming her direction. She grabbed his arm when he swung at her, and bent it back with the intent to pop his shoulder out, but he shook her off and tossed her aside. She landed on her back and groaned, hopping up quickly, as though it hadn't hurt her. In reality, it hurt to breathe. Taking a deep breath to push forward in this fight, she brought her hands up to her face to protect it. Bouncing between feet, she tried to stay swift and nimble. Lunging at him once again, seeing that he often kept the shield up high, and his legs exposed, she swept her leg down to his feet. Steve was far too experienced to not see it coming, and jumped to avoid it. Bashing his shield towards her, she was forced to step backwards quickly to avoid a broken nose. 

                "Who are you?" Steve asked between throwing punches and blocking them.

                The Huntress said nothing to him, simply grimaced at him dangerously and lunged at him again, taking two small daggers out from her hips and slicing at him. He blocked her attack with his large shield, knocking one of the daggers from her hands. She gripped her remaining one harder and sliced again, cutting his thigh but only to be greeted with a facial blow via the shield. She had not calculated her tactic well enough, and toppled backwards. Landing on the gravel rooftop with a thud, she shifted in pain. This time she fell hard, and could not get up. 

             She winced, groaning as she strained herself, but Steve was standing above her in seconds. After kicking away the daggers, he knelt down and placed his knee on her bicep. Not pushing down hard enough to hurt her, but threatening to do so if she were to try to escape. He placed his hand on her opposite shoulder and looked into her green eyes. "I asked you a question."

                "I have no answer," she said truthfully. She was the Huntress, but she had no true identity that she knew of. 

               That made Steve pause for a second; then he asked, "Who are you working for?" 

                She didn't want to answer, she hated them for what they had done to her, and what they would continue to do to her. But she needed them; she was able to do the things she could because of them. HYDRA was her lifeline; without them she would die. Already she was craving Rapture, and already she knew that it would be withheld from her at this point in order to get her to do their bidding. 

             But there was no one to hurt her right here and now. She had an opportunity she never had before in her life.

            The Winter Soldier didn't come back for her, he left her behind when she couldn't keep up. She knew that she was nothing to them, and so she began to debate in her mind what was the best thing to do here. In her time with HYDRA, she had learned that answering their questions made her life slightly easier, and she knew they couldn't hear her speaking to Steve now. 

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