Promise [Chapter 26]

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"Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created."


                Ophelia slid a black shirt over her head; the girl at the front desk had brought her a few things after a few days of them staying in the motel. Whether she was helping because she hated her job, or because she feared them, Ophelia could not say. On the television, there had been no mention of The Winter Soldier or herself, only mentions of SHIELD falling and the swelling list of casualties. 

             Every time Bucky came in when she had the TV on, she would quickly fumble to turn it off. He didn't need to see the wreckage he had left in his wake. Her mission was more than helping him remember, it was protecting him and how fragile he was at this point. She knew that he hated how much he couldn't remember, but he had not pressured her yet since the first night to link with him. Truth was, she was terrified.

              Bucky had helped her change the gauze wrap on her ribs, and when they had unravelled the soiled material Bucky studied her HYDRA markings for longer than he should have. His fingertips darted gently to her, tracing the lines as if he had seen them before. 

            He had, a lifetime ago. 

           Though her rib wounds had not penetrated the skin, Ophelia knew that she had at least two broken ribs; the internal bruising on her left side was blackened and spread down her side like a disease. But it did not hinder the bright purple scars upon her stomach; everywhere she went, she was fully covered, and had never had someone look at them like this before. Feeling embarrassed, Ophelia had smiled weakly, and gently spread her fingers over the scars. He didn't stare after that, but she presumed it was the same as if she stared at that arm; it too screamed that he was HYDRA.  

                Bucky had pulled out the bullet in her shoulder before she woke in the motel, but his lack of tools left for a bigger wound, one that would not heal nicely; as with the one in her thigh. Although more of her was broken than not, Ophelia felt as though she was finally coming together. A few days had allowed for the superficial wounds to heal, and the deeper ones to begin their long process. Adding to the scars upon her body, these bullet wounds would also be a reminder of dark times. But they would remind her why she had chosen to do what she did; upon having a choice, she really was good inside. That thought made her smile, made her think that she deserved to be alive today. 

                Though Ophelia did not think that Bucky was ready, he insisted that they head to the Smithsonian where there was an exhibit for Captain America; the pamphlet had been tucked away in the nightstand drawer right next to the untouched Bible. He had found it, studied it for hours that morning, and then said he was going. 

            Walking was nearly impossible without leaning on Bucky; she was going to need crutches if she were to go anywhere outside of the motel without his help. Since she didn't have crutches, she had to lean on him, and he did not protest; there was a darkness in his eyes when he had to hold her up to do just about anything, because it was his fault in his mind. He had left to gather some clothes to blend in, and when he returned, it was almost noon. There would be people searching for him, and for Ophelia too, but he didn't care about the risk.

                Looking like quite the oddball using Bucky for support, Ophelia felt as though everyone was staring at her as they walked to the museum. Though they were not far from the museum to begin with, Ophelia slowed Bucky down tremendously. Despite the fact that he was overly eager to see his origins, as well as Captain America's, he never once complained about her inability to move fast. It was dangerous to go somewhere that would be guarded and filled with civilians, but the people would give cover from searching eyes. Though Ophelia didn't think anyone was after her- other than friendly faces like Steve- Bucky had caused a lot of damage to the city and she was surprised they hadn't been arrested already. But who in their right mind would think to look for them in a museum?

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