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The girls have been worried about Elsa she doesn't come out of her office. They all have tried to get her out. So they called the boys. Hey guys' Anna waved her hand signaling for them to come. Flynn went in. He came back out holding his cheek. What happed in thier Merida asked. I asked her to come out and she punched me. Let me try she won't hurt her brother in law, Kristoff went in. He came back out with his mouth full of sand paper. Why dose she have sandpaper Hiccup, yelled. Ok then you try Flynn mumbles. Fine but i will be ready, Hiccup came back in football padding and helmet. He wadled into the office. Then he came running out with pens in his padding nad his helmet had a dent in it.

Do I What to ask about the dent, Punize squeaks. Well apparently she had a hammer in her desk. They all looked at Jack. Fine he groaned. He carefully went in. Elsa was banging her head on the desk. Ring ring ring she sat up. Hello. No. No. Oh. Oh go fuck yourself, Elsa slammed her phone on the desk. Jack went behind her and grabbed her wrists. What the hell let me go, Elsa screamed. After lots of fighting Elsa stopped punching him. He dragged her out she layed on the floor and he pulled her out. Yeah you got her, Anna squealed. Yeah it was hard but I did, Jack smiled. Now lets have some fun, Jack asked. No she reliped. Fine I ll have to do this the hard way. Anna can you find a mattress or tub, Jack asked. I can try she ran off.
She came back with a blow up raft. Ok I need a few cushions, Anna grabbed a few and place them in the raft. Ok now we need lots of cushions at the end of the stairs. After a while the bottom was full of soft things. Ok Flynn you remember this right, Jack asked. Oh yeah I broke my elbow the first time. Well lets do this. Flynn sat in the raft and Jack pushed him down. This is awsome flynn screams. He dived into the softness. Can i go Kristoff asked. Yeah hop in Jack pushed him down. Kristoff screams down. Hell yeah. Ok hiccup your turn. No way. Why not becuase you know i hate doing this. Come on do it for her, Jack said pointing to Elsa. Fine he put his helmet on and jumped in. Jack trurned it fast that way hiccup was backwards. Duddddddddddddddde hiccup yelled. The girls went to. Come Elsa they all yelled. No way she replied. Ok how about a bet, Jack smirked. Elsa looked up go on. I bet that if you like the ride I will let you be alone. But if you do have fun, I get to take you on a date. Deal Elsa said. She got on. The raft sled down. But the tip got under a step and she got launched out of the raft.

Jack what did you do Kritoff yelled. Elsa popped back out smiling. Yes Jack yelled. Who said I had fun, Elsa said. Jack stood thier shocked. It was amazing Elsa squealed. Pillow fight Anna screamed at the top of her lungs. Everybody started fighting. Ring ring ring ring
Wait hold on my phone Elsa said taking out her phone. Hello. Yes. Thats awsome. Perfect. Ok see you later.
Elsa hung up. Who was that Flynn asked. My lawer the best in town, Elsa responses. Why do you need a lawer, Kritoff asked. Everybody looked at him weird. Oh rightttt Hans. Yeah in three days I go to court. Can you giys come becuase I need witness, Elsa asked. Of course els we would love to get that man far away from you, Puinze said hugging Elsa.

Merida picked Elsa up and put her up on her shoulders. Put me down Elsa laughed. Never Meirda laughed. Anna had Punize on her shoulder. Merida dropped Elsa off into softness. Ok who wants to jump off the railing, Merida said going up to the two story railing. Umm. Mer that didn't sound safe. Come on she wined. Everybody reluctantly went up they stood near the railing. Merida did a cannonball come on guys don't be chickens. Anna and Punzie dropped both screaming. Kritoff feel face first into the cushions.   Im ok he shouted. Flynn did a belly flop down. Come on you chickens Flynn yeleld. Jack pushed Elsa but she grabbed him as she. Fell they landed Elsa was on his chest. Aww Anna said. Hu what the, Elsa got of Jack. Jack gave Anna a evil glare.

Well today was fun, Elsa said. Yeah I totally agree, Anna said. Im gonna head to my place im getting tired, Meirda said I will see you guys in a few days, Elsa said.

Everybody left

Ok guys so the next chapter is going to be court. I hope you like it. We got a bit of jelsa in this chapter

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