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Elsa woke up extra early she got a shower and put on a white button up shirt and black blazer with black dress pants and black flats. She did her makeup. And she drove to the court house. When she got thier everybody was in the parking lot. Ok you guys lets go Elsa said determined. They went to the court room and promised to speck the truth. Ok please let Hans Isles come, the judge spoke.

As Hans walked Elsa shivers. Her lawyer Meg put a warm smile on. Elsa nodded. Ok Elsa Arendelle please speak. Your honor I blame this man becuase he took me hostage to an abandon building and tried to rape me. And how far did he get, the judge asked. I was only in undergarments your honor, Elsa said. I object Hans said. Do you have any proof, his lawyer said. Becuase how are we supost to belive you with out proof. Everyone looked at Elsa. Meg gave an officer a few pictures. Ok Elsa is this your body he said holding a picture up of Elsa brusied legs. Her bloddy head. Yes your honor, Elsa repiled. Do you still have any of the markings, the judge asked. Elsa nodded and stood up and rolled up her pant legs. Everyone gasped. Then she lifted her shirt up a bit. Another gasp. How to you know thats not makeup, Hans yelled. I thought you might ask that, Punize pulled out makeup remover pads. And rubbed her legs nothing came off. She showed the judge the wipe. Thank you Mrs. Fitsherbit. She smiled and sat down. What do you have to say, Hans. She can't prove it was me. Flynn smiled. A good photogerper always has a camera he gave them to a officer . 5 minute lunch he yelled.

Everyone left. Elsa was shacking. Its ok els trust me with that proof he won't escape Punize reassured. Elsa leand her head on Merida shoulder. Ok

Ok I the case of Arendelle vs Isles. Hans you are guilty of attempt of rape and murder. I sentance you to life in prison. The judge grabbed his gabble. The officers took Hans away. Oh thank god he's gone, Elsa was smiling. Alright dinner on Hiccup, Flynn yelled. What hiccup studderd.

Its ok hic well all split the cheack evenly, Punize smiled. Oh how about we go to Fiesta Cancun, Merida said runing to her car. Every body ran the thier car and drove. Hi my name is Caleb. Hi they all greated. And a table for how many he smiled. Table for eight Anna said. Ok right this way.

After dinner

Well guys today was great but Emily and Ethan want to leave the sitter, Anna and Kritoff left. Merida waved and called her homies. Elsa and Jack was keeping it quite. Thanks for helping me with Hans Jack, Elsa smiled. Jack looks up shocked. Oh yeah anytime. But can I ask you a question, Jack asked. Yeah what is it? About the kiss yeah smell like vanilla he yelled. Jack kissed her cheek and drove off. Elsa blushed. Oh Jack if only you knew, Elsa smiled and drove to her house.

What was i thinking Jack yelled. Now I have to see her beautiful face. Ugg im so stupid.

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