Chapter 5: Cadre Class

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What happened so far...
The stranger told Irina to leave, there is an old debt to settle and an abomination to strike down.

3rd person pov

After making sure that the girls from the church left, the stranger is back in the church, praying for a swift victory.

He has discovered the mutilated body of some more priests, the men struck down by holy power.

???:' The battle draws near, all shall be revealed.'

Wrath:' You don't think that the devils won't interfere.'

Gluttony:' They will, they are to proud not to.'

The stranger stands up and throws his coat over his shoulders, a bayonet in one hand and the gun of Wrath in the other, he looks like an Inquisitor from Warhammer, without the hat.

???:" In the name of the lord I shall smite his enemies."

Leaving the church, the stranger is just standing in front of the entrance, the eyes closed, feeling.

When he finally feels an enormous amount of holy energy from the school. Immediately, with heavy steps, the stranger walks to the battle he will surely fight.

???:" You should have left already."

With a calm face the stranger turns to an alleyway and out of it come Astolfo, Mordred and Nero.

Mordred:" We still have a mission and the target is in this town."

???:" Then you shouldn't follow me, I go to an enemy of the lord."

Astolfo:" Wouldn't it be better to fight with you then?"

???:" This fight has nothing to do with any of you, leave now or you might find revelations you are not ready for."

Nero:" *tilts head to the side* What revelations do you mean?"

The stranger turns away and begins walking again.

???:" How deep is your belief?"

The two girls and Astolfo question what he means.

???:" How strong is your belief? How easily can it be shaken? Would you continue to believe even if everything points against it?"

The three have no answer and as the stranger walks away again, they decide to observe the fight against Kokabiel, from a certain distance.

The first hurdle that was to be overcome was the peerage of the Sitri heiress. They had erected a barrier around the academy to keep the destruction to a minimum.

Saji is the first to the stranger approach and his face turns as pale as a ghost while he remembers being nailed above the school entrance. Of course that behavior of his doesn't go unnoticed by his king.

Sona:" Saji, is something wrong?"

Before the boy can answer, heavy steps are closing in on the group.

???:" You are in my way, stand aside so I can deal the lords divine judgment."

Of course protests are made loud, but the stranger doesn't care for those and just walks up to the barrier.

Sona:" If we take down the barrier, Kuoh could suffer from enormous destruction."

???:" It will suffer either way, a fallen angel like Kokabiel can break your barrier easily. I you wish for the twin to be saved, let me pass."

Silence is all the stranger gets as an answer, so he lays his large hand against the barrier and holy magic burns through it without a problem.

???:" I suggest staying away."

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