Chapter 3: The Fallen Prince

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What happened so far...
The stranger has managed to acquire another one of the sin-items, Gluttony, he is now searching for the next one.

Ajuka pov

This is not good, absolutely not good! The item I wanted to research was gone, my subordinates were killed and the only thing he has from that massacre is a picture of a woman with a gun. Luckily some devils that were passing by have stayed hidden and made pictures with their mobile phones, but it seems that nobody knows the woman on the picture.

Sirzechs:" And there is really no one that knows this woman?"

Ajuka:" It isn't as surprising as it may sound, she has killed my workers with one shot for each of them and she probably took the item."

Sirzechs:" That is problematic, Humans shouldn't possess a sin-item."

Ajuka:" I have send messages to Azazel and Michael but while Azazel didn't know anything about this woman, Michael didn't even say anything about her and just said that the problem is going to be dealt with."

Sirzechs:" So he definitely knows something but he doesn't want us to know whatever it is."

Ajuka:" For now we can't do anything."

Sirzechs leaves and I am left to my thoughts. Why a human would want to get the sin-items is not a secret, but how does this person know about these items in the first place? After the great war one of the items has already disappeared but now another one? Could she be a descent of the person that stole Wraths item? The biggest problem is that since neither the devils, angels or fallen angels had any use for the items they weren't studied and so nobody but the person using the items knows what they do.

Ajuka:" This just got far more complicated."

3rd person pov

While Ajuka goes back to his research, Michael has gone to the Vatican, some of the Excaliburs were stolen.

Michael:" Do we have any idea who stole them?"

With him is Griselda Quarta.

Griselda:" It seems that the humoncolos know as Freed Selzen has stolen them, with helb from Kokabiel."

Michael:" So he does want a new great war. We can't let that happen."

Griselda:" But what should we do? If we don't go after them we could lose the Excaliburs."

Michael:" Where is Dulio?"

Griselda:" Probably in a restaurant eating."

Michael:" Do you think they are ready for a mission of this magnitude?"

Griselda:" The two of them on their own? They will probably die, but if you'd allow that they are going with them..."

Michael:" Their purpose is another but if Kokabiel appears somewhere maybe he will get him out of his hiding place. I'll allow it, but only two of the three are going to help with getting the swords back, the third will search for him."

Griselda:" You do realize that it would be far easier if we knew his name."

Michael:" I doubt that he can even remember his own name."

Michael walks of while Griselda wants to know what he means with that, but the angle keeps walking.

In Kuoh the situation has calmed down visibly after Rias got out of her engagement, the devils have stayed away from the church and the stranger has actually managed to rebuild it, to some degree, it has no benches anymore but the roof is finished.

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