3 - Let's keep it a secret

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Shinso's POV:

I lay on my bed trying to stop the tears running out from my eyes. I'm scared and sad at the same time, I'm scared that Neito won't love me anymore and I'm sad about the idea of losing him.

I sit up when I hear a knock on my door and Denki's voice behind it "Shinso we are starting to eat are you coming?". After a while thinking I yell trough the door "I'll go out for a while so I'm eating later" and Denki leave.

I put on some clothes so I won't get cold outside and then I take my phone just to see Neito's text.

Monoma: Can we meet outside in an hour?

Shinso: Where exactly?

Monoma: Just outside, between our dorms?

Shinso: Sure.

Shinso: I'll go for a walk first so thirty minutes?

Monoma: Yeah.

I put my phone in my pocket and walk out not even looking at my classmates. Why does Neito hate them so much? I bet it's because of Bakugou or something.

I walk towards a park near to the school and sit in the swings closing my eyes. I listen the voices around me and then I hear a person sitting next to me. I know who is it, but I don't open my eyes because I enjoy the feeling. Feeling that it would still be summer and everything would be just fine.


"Okay open your eyes" Neito laugh and when I open them I see myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a short dress and a crown. I look at Neito who is wearing a lion outfit "Hey you didn't need to dress like a princess!"

Neito take my hands on his "But I wanted to dress you like a princess, because you are one"  he smile and I blush giving him a quick kiss "Fine then, but now I wanna see you in a dress" I laugh.

Neito run away "If you can catch me!" he smile and I run after him "Are you serious?" I yell and bad for him, he answer "Yeah I a-" I use my quirck.

"Now walk here and put a dress on like a good little princess" I smile and of course he does what I told him to do. After he have done that I let him go "Look at you, that dress look really good on you" I smile hugging him behind.

He turn around still being in my hug "Toshi?" he ask and I look at his eyes "Yeah?" I ask now worried because he look kinda scared. "Will you be my boyfriend?".

Flashback end:

I look at the person next to me "I though that we were supposed to meet later and not even here" I put my eyes down trying not to cry again.

The blond guy is still silent, but then he look at me "I wanted to go on a walk before like you, but then I saw you" he tell and I look at him again. I don't feel like talking and he know that. I guess he know that this is his fault too.

"Toshi I'm sorry, but this is been a stressing day to both of us. If I could take all of that back I would, but I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I love you more than myself, even after what my dad did...you remember that right?" Neito look down and I see couple tears falling off his eyes.

I don't really know much about what his dad did, I just know that they had a fight about Neito being gay and then he hitted Neito. I hate his dad so much, how did he dare to hurt his own son?

I take Neito's hand and walk front of him, he is still sitting so I am really much taller now "I know that you still love me" I whisper "You wouldn't ask me to meet you if you wouldn't...and I love you" I continue.

Neito stand up too and he smile "Really?" he start speaking "After what I did, I was so horrible person towards you and I really don't even deserve your love back an-" I cut his words of whit a quick kiss.

"Neito, I said that I love you and I forgive you too. Now can you shut up so I can kiss you longer?" I ask and Neito doesn't answer anymore so I put my lips on his and after a second he answer to the kiss. I melt, I have wanted to do this the whole day.

After a while we break the kiss both smiling and before he start speaking I try to make my thoughts to words. "I know you have your reputation and I don't wanna ruin it so...we can keep our relationship in secret so you can hate my class in peace" I look at Neito's eyes and he look at me.

"Are you serious?" blond haired guy ask and I nod. "Okay then, but I can still take you on dates in some weekends" he smile and I nod again.

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Word count: 836

Yay I made a new chapter:D

This is so sappy...ew

Okay I hope you like it after all!

I just don't like sappy things...

Now I have to go to school or I'm gonna be late

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