5 - Is this the end?

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Shinso's POV:

I look after Neito for a while and when I can't see him anymore I look my face from my phone just to make sure am I blushing too much. I breath deeply in and deeply out while walking up from the stairs Neito felled to my arms.

I walk to our classroom straight to my place before Denki can try to talk with me. And after a while my dad walk in looking tired as always...I got that from him. 


"Dad? Are you home?" I asked while I putted my jacket on coat rack. "Oh Hitoshi your home, Shota is still at UA. I had a day out so I was the first one today" Hizashi smile when he walk from the kitchen. Hizashi married my dad when I was about five, but I call him with his name. 

"Did dad come?" white haired little girl ask from the stairs where she sit down "Oh hi Toshi!" she smile and I smirk to her. Eri walk to the living room and I walk to the kitchen with Hizashi "So where were you?" he ask smiling.

I look at him "With my friend" I answer and take a glass for water "Who is it?". Yay, more questions. "Hm?" I look at him like I didn't heard the question. "What's their name?" he ask again and I smirk "Neito Monoma" and Hizashi look at me suprised "That kid from 1B? Your summer break just started  couple weeks ago and your already crushing?".

"What?" I feel kinda shocked, how did he figured that out? "You blushed a little bit when you said his name" Hizashi smile and start to make food. I smirk and walk to my room where I sit on my bed taking my phone from my pocket. 

Me and Neito had our second date yesterday and I kissed him back. "Sorry to interrupt, but would you like to invite Monoma for dinner? Shota just sent a text that he's here after an hour" Hizashi ask from the door and I smile "Sure. I ask him"

Shinso: Hey is there any chance  you would be free after an hour?

Monoma: It depend

Shinso: My dads...or just one of them asked you to dinner

Monoma: Wait I'm gonna meet your dads?

Shinso: And my little sister...if you wanna come

Monoma: Sure I'll come!

Monoma: Where do you live?

Shinso: Wanna meet at park? I don't have anything to do right now

Monoma: Sure. I will be there first!

Shinso: Hey!

Flashback end:

"Shinso are you sleeping or something?" I hear a voice and I wake up from my thoughts "Hm?" I look at Denki who's front of my face "Aizawa said that your my partner for this project" he smile and I look at my dad who smirk. 

"Yeah sure whatever" I mumble and he drag me all the way to the training center "So what are we gonna do? I didn't listen" I mumble even more, but Denki seem to hear that. "Our idea is figuring some way to use our quirks together! You know, if someday we have to fight some really bad villain just two of us and neither of our quirks is enough" he smile and it's starting to annoy me.

I sit down after Denki and he look at me "So do you have any ideas or do we just try everything?" the blonde ask and I look at him "What if you use your quirk a little bit so they would listen or whatever and then I would ask them some question and you would use your quirk little bit if they wouldn't answer?" I ask and he nod.

"That sound good, but would it be better if I would use my quirk little bit more so they couldn't move for couple seconds?" Denki ask smiling and I nod "If it fit with your limits" I smirk and stand up "Should we try?" Pikachu ask while pointing on teachers who are here so we can test our ideas to them.

I nod "Sure"

Skip some time(middle of the fight)

The person we get to fight against is Ectoplasm and I have to say he's better than we tought.

"Shinso" Denki yell.

I won't be able to dodge his break loose hit.

"Hitoshi!" I hear my dad's voice.

Everything is black.

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Word count: 710

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