The Faerie Convoy

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Come next morning, they were roused from slumber extra early with soft but urgent knocks against the door. The lamp inside the room had been snuffed out the night before and there was no light streaming in from the single window that was just behind the alpha's bed. The sun hadn't even started to come up yet.

The two of them had jerked awake immediately despite how soft and muted the knocks were. Seokjin was still blinking sleepily by the time Namjoon got ahold of his sword and padded to the door, his hand on the knob. The night had been the best sleep the prince had gotten in days, what with his heat and then the ceremony and the running away, so it too Seokjin a moment to fully wake.

Seokjin clambered off his bed speedily, grabbing his outer robe where it hung over the back of a chair and quickly moving to stand behind the alpha. The tussle and quarrel that had occurred the previous day was of course not entirely forgiven or forgotten – just moved to the back of Seokjin's mind for now, in favor of more pressing matters.

Seokjin tilted his head a little, looking at the alpha's face and finding no visible trace of sleep. The alpha must have been awake for some time already.

There was a low voice from the other side of the door but Seokjin had been a little distracted to hear it even if his ears are his sharpest sense. He saw Namjoon relax, though, the arm holding the sword lowering to the alpha's side as he opened the door and a figure darted inside.

Rowon looked tense as he first bowed respectfully to Seokjin and then greeted Namjoon with a brief incline of his head. They were both alphas and both sons of prominent officials of the same rank so it put them on the same line of hierarchy in the ranks of nobles, even if Namjoon was technically Rowon's superior when it came down to their own work and achievements.

"You need to hide quickly. The faerie convoy is almost at the village border." Rowon said, speaking too fast. "Sister asked me to come fetch you, Your Highness."

"How long until they make it to the village?" Namjoon enquired, already shuffling around the room for his own robe and satchel as Seokjin too went to retrieve his remaining meager belongings – the bag with his spare clothes and suppressant powder and his money pouch.

"A few minutes at most, Sir Kim."

Namjoon gave a slight nod and then the three of them were out of the room, moving along the corridor and then down the staircase. The two of them followed Rowon in silence, Namjoon's head darting left and right as he scanned the surrounding streets. The villagers must have already been informed of the Royals' arrival because the streets were full, the people moving about nervously and families huddling together – afraid of the unkown. Of what was going to happen next.

Contrary to what Seokjin had assumed, Rowon did not take them to the house that the Ha clan had occupied. It was only the memories and the prince's familiarity with the village that he'd gained from his past secret visits that alerted Seokjin of their destination as being the village square.

Jiwon was waiting them at the street just off the main square with two other shifters by her side, a man and a woman whose faces Seokjin vaguely remembered seeing yesterday. The two of them looked fairly young and both were omegas.

"Your Highness!" Jiwon greeted with a quick bow upon seeing the prince, her companions mimicking her actions.

"Are you sure about this, Lady Jiwon? This is the last chance to change your mind." The prince said, turning to inspect the two still unnamed omegas who, if going by what they had discussed yesterday, were supposed to be the ones to possible try and infiltrate the convoy and then report to Jiwon should an opportunity present itself.

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