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Dr.Gemas was shocked. He came to be standing on the garden of Willoy Helmag, the senior citizen. Willoy had died a few days ago and Dr.Gemas had come to inspect why he died. But as soon as he entered the gate, he saw the very rare venda cycad plant in the middle of Willoy's garden. The Venda cycad was one of the most endangered plants on earth, and surprisingly the plant was growing in a garden.

"Dr.Gemas, I have been expecting you." A husky voice said behind him. This startled Dr.Gemas. No one these days ever said "expecting you" for a greet. As Dr.Gemas turned around, he closed his eyes in disgust. There, standing behind the gates, was an old woman, dressed in rags, looking at him.

"Hello. I am the mother of my Willie. Call me Evaiah." The old woman said. She let out her old, crumpled hand. Dr.Gemas opened his eyes and ignored it. 

"Where is he?" Dr.Gemas asked.

"Have a cup of tea first. Come in." Evaiah gestured him in.

"I have come to observe Mr.Helmag, Evaiah." Dr.Gemas announced, coughing to tell that he was in a hurry. Evaiah ignored him. 

"Come in. Drink tea. Leave. Those are my orders. My son does not need observation. Got it?"


"No more." Evaiah flicked her hand.

"I see that you have a twitch in--"

Evaiah simply put her hand out.

"I am old. I can twitch if I have to." She said.


"Now go."


Dr.Gemas sighed at the woman. 

"Call me if needed. You might want to take care of that twitch. Wash--"

"JUST GO!" Shouted Evaiah.

Dr.Gemas headed for the door. He reached out for the gate knob and glanced backword for one last time. A glimpse of movement in the house caught his eyes. He shrugged and stepped out. There was something suspicious about this house. Something that wouldn't last for too long...

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