A New Heir

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Everyone rushed to see who was screaming. It was Mackenzie. 

"Look! It's so cute!" Mackenzie shouted. "I am the real heir!"

"Mackenzie, they are-" Dr.Gemas was cut short by Mackenzie.

"But why do they have big ears like-"

"Guinea Pigs..." Dr.Gemas finished Mackenzie's sentence.

"Aw, shucks." Mackenzie said under her breath.

Evaiah suddenly appeared in the room.

"Mackenzie, out. Mackenzie, out. Please leave the house." Evaiah said.

"What?" Mackenzie asked. "Why me?"

"Each time you say you found something, and it's not the two hamsters I hid, you are out of the contest. Sorry for not making that clear." Evaiah explained.

"What? But you never told me... You can't do this! Give me one more chance!" Mackenzie shrieked.

Together, Dr.Gemas and Conner dragged her out of the house. Mackenzie started crying.

"Guess that only leaves three of us." John said.

Suddenly, the door burst open. There was a girl standing in front of it, with flowing black hair and brownish skin color. She was very beautiful. Her ears were unique: they were poking out like elf ears. 

"Ni hao, wo shi Meilin Zheng, wo hen zhong de yige jichengren." The girl spoke. Her voice was like a song.

"Hello, Meilin. How nice to meet you. Are you one of the heirs?" Dr.Gemas asked.

"Shi de." The girl replied.

"Do you speak english?" John asked.

"Shi de. Hi. My name is Meilin Zheng. I'm new to this town. I was picked to be a contestant." Meilin said.

"Okay, join us." Kylie said.

After Dr.Gemas explained everything to Meilin, she started searching for the hamsters.

Meilin entered the living room, where Conner was.

"Well, hi Meilin." Conner greeted, as Meilin walked towards him. She passed right by Conner.

"Leave me alone you spoiled brat!" Meilin rudely rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna win this. Don't be in my way."

Conner looked stunned as Meilin grabbed a cushion and threw it at Conner.

"What are you looking at? She spat. Then she left the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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