Kylie Peterson

20 0 0

I was like, searching like, under pillows and like, everywhere. Like, I couldn't find anything, like, clearly this woman did not want us to find the hamsters. Ugh. It's like, like, like, just like.

"Like, how will we, like, find this?" I ask.

"Ugh." Joe groans. "Please stop being a spoiled teenage brat. Stop saying 'like', Kylie."

"Fine. But only in one condition. We team up." By now, me and Joe were the only ones in the dusty kitchen.

"Wow! That's the longest sentence I've ever heard from you that doesn't contain a 'like'!" Joe says, surprised. "But yes, I'm in."

"Who's in what?" John asks, entering the kitchen.

"Uhhh...Team?" I say.

John looks confused.

"Did you eat something wrong, Kylie?" John asks.

"She is never going to say 'like' again until the contest ends." Joe explains.


"I FOUND THE HAMSTERS!" A scream fills the air. We turn around. The sound was from upstairs.

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