A Mysterious Letter

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Dear Contestants,                                                                                                                      Jan. 21, 2057

You have been chosen to accept the money of Willoy Helmag, since you are the heir. But- you are not the only one who wants the money. You will have to compete with other contestants. Please come to former Willoy Helmag's house at eight on this Saturday. Please be there. Thank You.

                                                                                                                                               -Evaiah Helmag

"Just leave it there." Dr.Gemas said, swaying his hands. Of course, the mailman outside could not hear him. Sighing, Dr.Gemas rushed out of the clinic office to retrieve his mail. "Good Afternoon, Mr....."

"Gemas. Dr.Gemas. Dr. Keio Gemas."

"Yes," The mailman replied. "This is an urgent message from a senior citizen." He handed Dr.Gemas an envelope. "Well, good day, Kieo."

"It's Keio." Dr.Gemas corrected.

"Oops. Sorry Kaio." The mailman said. 

"K-e-i-o." Dr.Gemas spelled.

"Oh, right, K.O. Knockdown!"

Dr.Gemas frowned. Was this man playing with him?

"K, bye." Then the mailman turned around. He waved an awkward hello to a young lady that was crossing the road.

Dr.Gemas walked into his office and started opening the envelope. Inside, there was a handwritten letter. It was very short. And it was from.......Evaiah.......The old woman in Willoy's lawn...


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