Chapter 1

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Every wound that has been inflicted on Blossom, on every exposed flesh or on any part of her body armor the beast was able to cut through, was felt immensely as she perceived her vulnerable position, sitting defenseless on the dusty ground that had once bore the beauty of grass and trees. Now, that beauty had been destroyed by the beast.

The Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys were fighting a losing battle against an extremely dangerous hydra, equipped with powers too great even for them, its heads already too numerous to be counted.

Then one looked at her.

Blossom raised her hand and made a weak attempt at a force field, as if to defend herself. This didn't work. The force field merely flickered and died.

The hydra opened its mouth and blue light shined in the black void. She felt fear grip her heart like a vise, knowing this blast would eliminate her for good. And as she felt the dry air brush through her hair, she knew then that life would be just a four-letter word, and nothing more.

Footsteps registered in her mind, but these were merely weak sounds in her ears, as the blue light began to grow stronger.

Then hands were felt on her shoulder, pushing her so hard, her shoulder could've dislocated. She went rolling through the dust, and when she finally came to rest, lying on her stomach, she raised her head just in time to see Brick's face before he was obscured by the blue blast from the hydra's jaws.

"BRICK!!!" she screamed in horror, her hand out as if she could just reach in that light and pull him out. Her eyes watched his body go flying and land into the ground with a resounding slam.

Despite the pain she felt, she fixed herself up on her knees, staring at the direction of where she saw him fall, tears welling up in her eyes. "Brick..." she whimpered. "No..."

She scrambled to her feet, ignoring the complaints of her joints and wounds as she hastened towards the area where he fell. He lay motionless in the crater, heavily marked with wounds she couldn't even bear to think he'd endured.

"No... Please no..." Stepping into the crater, she slid down towards the bottom of the deep depression. But her feet gave out from under her and she rolled painfully to the base. Pain laced through her body as she lay curled up on her side, but concern overwhelmed this and she lifted herself up on her hands. Seeing Brick, dismay came to the forefront of her mind at his lack of movement.

That four-letter word registered in her mind, but with crippling fear, she refused to acknowledge it. No, he can't be. He just can't be!

"Brick! Brick, wake up! Brick, come on, you can't just give up! Open your eyes! Please!" The tears that had been in her eyes now fell, dropping onto the dry ground. "Brick... please... you're the leader of the Rowdyruff Boys... you can't just..." Her words choked her, but Brick made no movement.


Okay, a bit dramatic on this new story, but like the Havoc to Home, this is just an old story that's been revised. Be warned though, this will get a little bit mature—and not in the way one usually expects. So if you're just peeking at the first chapter, please know that the next chapters might get a little... yeah. (ㆆ_ㆆ)

Anyways, like I always put on my posts, I just want to let you know that I've got a blog where I put up my fanfictions, artworks, and even fictional stories. And I'm also on DeviantArt, where I put up other artworks; hope you like them!

Also, there's a fictional story I hope you guys can critique for me, if you feel so inclined. ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)

I'll leave the links down here!

My blog:

My fictional story:

My DeviantArt:

- BlackAndWhitePersona

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