~ Choosing a twin ~

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(I stay saying to be continued 😔)

                            ~ Same day 6:32pm ~

Nics pov: as me and y/n had taken a shower and gotten dressed we went to the living room to help emi put up the groceries .
He had Vanessa with him so Ik y/n is definitely not fine with that. But who cares about Vanessa she's just one messy person that I learned to never mess with again.
But rn I can't help but keep staring at y/n, she's so amazing who would've thought it would be me and her? I always thought she had a thing for emi but i guess I'm the lucky twin for once. At least I think so.

V: emi I'm going to your room see you in the minute!

Emi: ok ok ness ,and hey nic get out of your thoughts and tell me how your day was today.

Nic: it was AMAZING.
I say excitedly

Emi: oh ? Finally for once you don't sound tired LMFAOO. And y/n what about you?

Y/n: no words could describe how great my day was !

Emi: lmfao you guys seem happy what did I miss?

Nic: uhm.

Y/n: nic and emi can we talk later?.. all together I have something to share with you guys.

Nic: mhm ofc.

Emi: ok ok I'll be waiting. In the meantime I'll be in my room watching tv with ness!

Y/n: yeah good luck with that 'watching tv' okkk if you say so anyways.

Nic: okkk bye emi!.

Y/n pov: me and nic just sit here for the past 20 minutes ,and I can't help but think about what we did and how amazing it was.
But I felt like I needed to tell him about me and emi . Maybe he would understand. Maybe he wouldn't.
I don't wanna hurt either of them but at the moment being with nic seems right.
As I continue to think about nic he lays onto my lap being so damn adorable - how could he not be taken already? He's literal perfection anyone would be lucky to have him!

Nic: hii y/n
He says with a smile on his face.
Y/n: heyy nic
I say playing with his hair
What are you thinking about?
Nic: you.
Y/n: me?
Nic: yes you and only you . No one else. no other guy or girl . Just you.
He says looking me in the eyes.
Y/n: I don't even know what to say to that-
But nic I do have to tell you something very important and it does matter if I do want to try to have something with either one of you..
Nic: wait. Either? As in there's another person or-
Y/n: yes as in another person but don't worry I'm gonna tell you all about it!!
Nic: ok I'm listening.
Y/n: so before I uhm.. before I slept with you I slept with emi too.. like a couple of times but I don't think it's anything serious ,and the way that you look at me and treat me it's different I don't just see sex with you- I think I prefer you over him.

Nics pov: as I sit in silence I think to myself.
am I suprised that she slept with him ? No not at all he can kinda get whoever he wants and plus I kinda suspected it when I heard things in his room .. but I mean look on the bright side. I was right she prefers me over him. so there's a win for once!!

Y/n: uhm.. did you hear me nic? I understand if you don't wanna talk to me rn I wouldn't want to either
I say as I'm about to go into tears.
Nic: no no please dont cryyy! Please don't come here
He says as he holds me.
I could smell his strong scent he smelled so good and it made him even more attractive and all I wanted to do was kiss him . It's all I could think about after everything with him..

Nic: wait. Please tell me you hear what I hear. Or am I hearing things?.
He says in a concerned voice.
Y/n: wdym I don't hear anyth-
And suddenly I get up and open emis door and CAN YOU BELIEVE HES F-ING VANESSA.

we sleep with trash!?. ANSWER ME EMI I am talking
to YOU.

Emi: I didn't mean for it to go that far- I'm sorry y/n

Y/n: no shut up . Save it for someone who wants to hear your damn bs.
Oh and you Vanessa you duck duck goose looking ass bitch I hope the dick was good just know you got my sloppy seconds luv xx

Nic: I- what the fuck is happening-

Y/n: ohhh Nic babe did you see what I saw too?
Y'all are disgusting. And emi you have no self respect or even respect for me in general. AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT.
So I hope you keep that in mind next time you see me or whenever your around me. Please do Remember this conversation. And I am telling you right now to your face. I. CHOOSE. NIC. Over you.
I say as I kiss nic in front of him.

Nic: I- I uhm don't wanna be in the middle of this so I'm gonna take y/n and go-

Emi: oh. YOUR GONNA GO?. I think not you slept with her and now ' your gonna go' no not how it works.

Nic: well I wouldn't have slept with her if you would've been straight up with her and asked her out already instead of playing with her feelings . Your just mad at the fact that for once in your damn life . Someone didn't choose you . So I'm sorry you have to live with that but you sure as hell are gonna have to deal with it. Now I'm gonna take y/n alway from here and we sure as hell are gonna have a nice weekend WITHOUT YOU. Goodbye
He says as he grabs my hand and walks out the dorm .

To be continued...

1054 words !. And once again I'm sorry for all the emi lovers😭. New update tomorrow goodnight xx<3.

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