~ The truth ~

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*same part from last chapter lmfao💀*

Y/n pov: as i continue to kiss nic his hands slowly find his way up into my dress grabbing a hold of my ass.
As I unbutton his shirt his phone is going off like a million times.
Usually he has his notifs off from all of social media so I don't know who could be blowing up his phone. As I sit on nics lap while he checks his phone he answers a phone call.

Nic: "why are you blowing up my phone so much for one.
Two you better be in some type of danger or dying rn for you to call and text this many
Times , and Three what the hell is so important that you felt the need to literally blow my phone up."

Y/n: "whispers: who is that?.."
Nic: "... it's emi. He said that he tried to talk to you earlier but you didn't answer so he started calling and texting my phone.
Was that who was texting and calling you earlier?"
He says asking me.
Y/n: "yes?.. "
Nic: "why didn't you tell me then?"
Y/n: "I didn't wanna ruin a moment that you took so much time on. I'm sorry."
Nic: "no don't be it's ok I understand ,and also emi wants us to come back to the dorm he says he wants to talk to us ,and that it's urgent ,but I understand if you don't want to go!"
Y/n: "no no it's ok. Since he wants to talk i guess we can all talk then.. right?"
Nic: "ofc ofc. Now we have to get going."
Y/n: "okkk last one to the car has to do what the other person says for the rest of the dayyyy."
I say as I'm already halfway to the car.
Nic: "WAITTT! That's cheating- you didn't even give me a heads up and you are already almost there"
He says yelling from behind me
Y/n: "well I kinda deserved a head start anyways since I have heels on."
I say as I stand at the car waiting for him
Nic: "ughh fine you win then."
He says walking to the driver side of the car out of breath
Y/n: "awwww out of breath? It's ok life continues ,now let's go"

~ 45 minute drive later ~

Nic: "you ready to go in?.."
Y/n: "no. Not really but let's go I guess"

Y/n pov: as I get to the dorm door I don't know what to do. I'm not ready for this. I don't wanna break down and cry in their faces . This is embarrassing ,and I'm just not ready ,but I have to deal with this at some point,and I guess that point is now.. as I open the door I don't see emi in the living room so he must be in his room. as me and nic walk into his room there he is sitting down on his bed with red puffy eyes. I felt so bad. Was he.. crying before we got here?

Nic: "heyy emi uhm.. we kinda already talked on the phone and you told me what happened ,and apologized even tho you shouldn't have ,but I'm going go for a couple hours and let you guys talk and sort this out. I don't want us to all hate each other and never talk again so I'm gonna go and give you guys time to talk it out."
Y/n: wdym he shouldn't have apologized? Did you not see what he was doing?.. are you blind? Or no maybe your just to nice and forgive easily"
Nic: "I- can we not do this right now you haven't even heard the full story."

Y/n pov: I sit there in silence for a moment ,and I was gonna speak but then someone walked thru emi's door as soon as nic walked out.

V: "hey guys.."
Y/n: "I- are y'all fucking serious- it could've been anybody else but her why is she here? Emi why is she here? SHES the reason why we aren't on good terms right now so WHY IS SHE HERE?"
Emi: "can I explain? Can I have time to talk without getting attacked.. I just want to at least get to explain myself-"
Y/n: "fine ,but first you have to start with why she's here."
Emi: "ok so. The reason why she is here is so she can really tell what happened that night."
Y/n: "mhm and that is?"
V: "so you remember that talk we had in the bathroom that one night when I spilled my drink on emi? And I told you I would get emi and there's nothing you could do about it? Well I wasn't kidding when I said it. So that night emi brought me over I saw an opportunity and I took it.. we were in his room watching a movie and the things that you thought were happening didnt."
Y/n: "wdym?"
I say as I look at emi
V: "what I mean is I staged it for you to walk in on. He didn't know what was happening ,and no we didn't kiss or do any of that. I did it to see the look on your face when you finally realized I had won.
And I simply now regret everything I did cause I ruined a relationship that could have been ,and maybe even your friendship with him. You may not believe me ,but I am truly sorry for what I did. I didnt know it would end up like this.I'm gonna leave now and let you guys talk"

Emi's pov: as Vanessa leaves ,and I wait for y/n to say something she says nothing.
She sits there in silence looking down. I don't know what's going thru her head or if she even believes me
But maybe I had to give her time to process this..

Emi: "I'm gonna go now ,and leave you alone to think"
Y/n: "no."
Emi: "do you want me to stay in here?.."
Y/n: "yes"
Emi: "are you ok?.."
Y/n: "no"
Emi: "I'm so sorry"
Y/n: "no. Don't be. I should be sorry- I blamed you for something that you didn't do- I- I messed up this friendship and ,I could've even had something with you- but I messed that ALL up. ALL  BECAUSE I ASSUMED- and now look where we are-"
I say as I start to cry.
Emi: "omg nooooo Dont cry it's okkk!! It's not your fault for what happened ,and I understand just let it all out."
Y/n: "why. why did she have to be soooo damn petty and do that. I  SWEAR  ITS  NOT  FAIR."
Emi: "I'm so sorry I don't know what else to say if I could take it all back I would"
He says while holding me
Y/n: "can I ask a question?"
Emi: "yes ofc you can."
Y/n: "so did you actually really like me? Or was it just you know.. for sex."
Emi: "no I liked you. In fact I still do. I was gonna ask you on a date that night I brought Vanessa over.
I just brought her over here to keep nic company for that night."
Y/n: "oh you were gonna take me on a date and you only brought her over so nic could have company- Now I feel even worse- I'm so sorry like I'm so so so sorry"
Emi: "look idk what's going on with you and nic ,but if you guys are together I respect that. I am happy for my two best friends. I'll be lucky enough to find another girl like you in the world y/n thank you so much."
He says about to cry
Y/n: "look.. "
I say while holding his hand
"You are amazing. And so many more things a-and I don't think I could date either of you right now to be honest- I now can't decide if I want you or nic and I already gave nic an answer which makes me feel even more guilty.. cause now I'm not sure. It's taking everything inside of me to not touch you in places- "
Emi: "oh- uhm . Well I'll just leave the room so you could get that under control.. I don't wanna do something wrong again to hurt you or nic it's not fair"
He says letting go of my hand
Y/n: "but what if I can't stay away from you? What if I don't want to? What if maybe I want to do something so reckless and not care for once?"
I say as I push him towards the wall.
Y/n: "am I too close? Cause if so tell me and I'll move."
I say holding him against the wall.
Emi: "I- well uh.."
Y/n: "oh? So you want me to stay right here? Against you? Even tho your brother has feelings for me too?"
Emi: "well actually since you put it that way no. I'm
Not going to. So yes y/n you are too close . Do I mind it? No. But I care for my best friend and brother. And I do believe in you not being a cheater so I'll go sit in the living room until Nic comes back"
He says walking away

~ To be continued ~

1572 words I'm going to bed now goodnight 🥰<3.

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