chapter four

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 My eyes widen with horror and I clutched Ashley's hand with my free hand. How in the world did he escape? How?I was so scared. It was Andrew. He told me he loves me 3 years ago. Since then he had been stalking me. He even tried to kill my mom in front of me telling me that if I did not do anything he wants he will kill me. Thank god Eysh was there with me. She called the police and he was sentenced to jail for attempting murder. But how in the world did he escape? I am so confused.Ashley wrapped her hands around me protectively. She looked Andrew straight into the eyes and said, "Don't u dare touch her or even look at her. Go away from us". She said this and started walking back to our house protecting me with her arms.I was sobbing with fear hugging Ashley tightly. Ashley kept rubbing my back trying to soothe me. She knew that I would be this scared."Xel. Sweetie. Don't cry. Am here with u. don't worry. He can't do anything to you. I will protect you. Don't worry, sweetie. Let's go home and eat something okk." She said in her sweet voice hugging me tightly. I gave a thankful look to her and started walking home. We were both silent except for the silent sobbing that kept coming out of my mouth.When we reached home, Ashley led me to the couch and made me sit on it. She then walked over to the fridge and took out a cup of chocolate ice cream. She knows how to comfort me. She came back with it and sat down beside me. She made me eat the ice cream until it was finished. She then walked me back to my bedroom and made me lie down on the bed."Xel, sweetie. Get some sleep ok. I will be there downstairs. Don't worry. No one can hurt you. Now try to get some sleep." She fixed the blanket and kissed my forehead. I smiled at her and closed my eyes as she closed the bedroom door behind her.I tried sleeping, but I couldn't. I kept seeing Andrew killing my mom. I was so scared. But I knew Eysh would be so worried about me, so I closed my eyes and tried sleeping. I kept nodding off and waking up so scared. I couldn't sleep. I sat on the bed and reached out to my diary on the bedside table. I opened it and started writing.**********************************************************************************Xion, I am so scared. Come protect me, my prince. My hero. I keep seeing Andrew killing my mom. I never thought that he would be able to escape from prison. But, he is here. I know that he will try to kill me. Or my mom.Come to me plx. Plx protect me. I want to feel your protective arms around me so badly. I want you to protect me from every danger that comes my way. I want you to say that you will always be there for me. But I know that you never will. All I can do is wishing and imagining.I am so scared. I am seeing Andrew staring at me from the corners of my room. Come and get him out of here. Plx.Even when am scared, I can't forget you. I keep thinking you are the only one who will be able to protect me. But will you ever protect me? You won't ever do that. I know it in my heart. I am someone whom everyone hates. Someone everyone talks to pass their time. Someone who isn't special to anyone.Everyone hates me. I am so useless. I am.................**********************************************************************************I closed the book slowly tears streaming down my eyes. I don't want to think about him. But I can't stop. Nothing in the world is stopping me. I kept remembering him and crying. I miss him so much.I was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. I wiped my tears and walked to the door. I opened the door and my eyes widen with surprise to see..........

AN: sorry for the late update guys. I have been so busy with my studies. Brighten your day with a comment. Give a vote if u likes it. Hope you like it. Be safe. Take care. Love you all... Bye bye...

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