Chapter 5

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I closed the book slowly tears streaming down my eyes. I don't want to think about him. But I can't stop. Nothing in the world is stopping me. I kept remembering him and crying. I miss him so much.I was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. I wiped my tears and walked to the door. I opened the door and my eyes widen with surprise to see.......... Liam.

My eyes sparkled seeing him after so long. He was a distant cousin who was my personal bodyguard for sometime. He looked the exact same. He wore blue ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with a black jacket. His straight black hair was covering his ice blue eyes. He was holding a chocolate in his hand.

"LIAM..what are you doing here bro.. I missed you so much". I said hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and handed me the chocolate he was holding. He knows chocolate is my life. "here lil sis.. Your favourite.. I missed u too..".

I smiled at him and teared the wrapping reavealing the mouth-watering chocolate inside. "thanks liam... You really do remember what i like.." "welcome sweetie.. Let's go downstairs.. Eysh is waiting for u" he smiled at me and dragged me downstairs.

Ashley was sitting on the sofa with a bar of chocolate in her hands. She was scrolling through her phone and glanced at us as we came down the stairs. "hei xel, liam.. Come here" she called for us and we went and set down beside her.

"liam you surely remembers what she likes the best.. You are a good cousin.. Why are you back here anyways" Ashley asked liam and i looked at him curious to know why he was back here. "hehe.. Yeah i remember my favourite cousin's favourites.. I actually saw a report about him getting away from jail... and you know i was concerned about xel's safety... So i decided to come back for sometime.. Have you seen him... Did he came for you... How is your mom" Liam asked a lot of questions at once clearly worried about us.

I peeked at eysh and decided to tell him about encountering him today. "bro... am okk.. Mom's ok too... but you see i.. I actually bumped into him today.. Don't worry eysh was there with me". I held Ashley's hands tightly and she told liam about everything that happened today. He was so worried about my safety he decided to stay with us for a month or two in case we might be in danger. Thanks to that idiotic stalker of mine.

We talked about what has been going on in our lives. I was so happy to hear that liam has been promoted. He told us about his life in America and how much he missed us. I never knew he thought about us that much. Thanks to god that i have a so loving cousin who is ready to protect me anytime.

The three of us decided to go have a snack as we were starving. I can even hear our stomachs grumbling. We have food and talked about school and a lot of stuff. Thanks to them i barely thought about being stalked but even talking them didn't get xion out of my head. I kept thinking about him and zoning off. Liam kept questioning me about it and eysh was always there with an excuse for me. I am so blessed to have a bestfriend like her. I can always relay on her with everything. I thought to tell her  about him but for some reason i kept hesitating. But one thing was clear to me. I am going to tell her about him sooner or later. I will not keep this a secret from her always. She will be the person who will be there for me always.

We had a great day except for the fact that Ashley and I decided not to go to the gucci store today. I was really looking forward for shopping. My mom met liam and decided to keep liam in our house as we are the only family of his in england and mom was not willing to let liam go. I guess she was a lot worried about my safety too. Ashley left at nine that night which made me feel so lonely. But i was so relaxed i slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

*Ding dong ding dong*

Argh. That was my alarm clock. Why did it have to ruin my sleep. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I hate my alarm clock. I muttered to my self as i reached my hands to off the alarm. I opened my eyes and yawned. I don't want to get up from my bed. It's so comfy. I love my bed so much. I glanced at my clock and my eyes grew wide. It was already seven thirty. I better get ready for school. Ashley will be here anytime. I hurried to the bathroom and had a shower humming to myself.

My HeartbeatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang