Chapter 6

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As soon as i reached home i hurried upstairs to my room to freshen up. I put my bag in the correct place and hurried to the bathroom. I had a bath which was so refreshing and dressed in a black oversized t-shirt which says "i don't care anymore" on the front and a blue jeans. I combed my hair and put it in a bun and headed downstairs to grab a cup of ice cream.

I was not in the mood for eating anything else so i tiptoed in to the kitchen. Thankfully neither mom nor anyone else was at sight. I hurriedly took a cup of chocolate ice cream and ran upstairs to my room with it. I was lucky enough to get back to my room without anyone seeing me.

I sat on my bed with the ice cream and my phone in my hand. I opened it and started eating it. Meanwhile i was reading a story on my phone. It kept me absorbed in the story and not in my thinking. I will do anything to keep my promise to Ashley.

Ashley's pro

I saw the car speed away from the school gate. The smile on my face wiped out as soon as it was out of my sight. What is happening with axel? I am so worried about her? She was never like this? Will this influence her studies? What's the deal with xion? Is she in love with him?

Millions of questions were flowing through my mind as i took Axel's dairy from my bag. I was so curious to find about her secret i opened the book in a rush. The first page was filled with a picture of Xion smiling while he has his hands in his hair. I started walking to home not waiting for my brother jackson or his best friend xion as i don't want them to see this.

I was reading the book from start and i was filled with a lot of surprise. Axel must surely have loved him a lot. The way she described how much xion means to her brought tears to my eyes. He means a lot to her. Just like her heartbeat which keeps her alive in this cruel world that has been torturing her. I wish i had known before. But I won't complain. I don't even want to. Because Axel will not do anything that she thinks is bad and i know she has tried to tell me but couldn't.

Tears were flowing out of my eyes when i finished reading her diary. People on the road were watching me, but that's not something I care about. They might have thought i was mad. All i had in my mind was Axel.

Her life must have been a living hell for her till now. She must have cried to herself for a lot of times. If only, I had known sooner. How bad she must feel? I haven't even noticed the fake smiles on her face. I guess i am not such a true best friend for her. I should have known. She must have waited for me to comfort her. I have failed as her best friend.

Please god. Let her get her love. I hope Xion loves her too. Just don't say u doesn't deserve him, xel. You deserve everything in the world. I know you won't be able to believe this, but it is the truth. A girl like you deserves someone whom she loves. Xion keep her happy.

She must have wanted him to protect her always. She had wanted to feel his protective arms around her, comforting her. She had wanted to hear him say that he loves her. She had wanted him to notice her at least once. She had wanted him to be happy no matter how much pain she had been suffering. She wanted to see his smile no matter what.

But, she hasn't got anything she wanted. He had been tearing her apart internally unintentionally. She had felt lost without him. Like a person lost in a desert. Like a person who has no one for her. She had dreamed a lot about him which she guess won't come true. I will try my best to make her dreams come true.

She knew from the very start he will have someone he loves or likes and know when she heard what he said, she must truly feel broke. She had lost every hope she had for these days. Now she will try to keep him happy, even if it is killing her inside. Tearing her apart silently. I never might have felt those in my life, but I won't leave her alone to herself. Now that I know how much she had been suffering for the past days.

With million of thoughts in my mind I reached my house. I hurried inside and up to my room. The walls were coloured with a light blue and the bedroom set was in white colour. A huge wardrobe was there on one side. A light blue coloured carpet was spread on the floor. There were pictures of me and my bestie everywhere.

Axel will be waiting for me.

I hurried and took a bath and put on a white shirt and ice blue jeans with white earrings  and matching necklace. I left my hair to hung freely and put on a strawberry lip balm. I took out my phone and took my bag with Axel's diary in it. I picked out a black shoes and hurried out of the house.

On the way i bought her a story book from her favourite book store. It was a story she has been talking about lately. She was waiting to buy it when she gets enough money. This might bring a smile to her gloomy face. I smiled to myself and hurried to my destination.

Axel's pov

I was so absorbed in the story i didn't realise when the ice cream finished. Even while reading the story all in my mind was xion. It's  like he is taking up ally mind, heart, and soul for him. I did a great job in keeping my promise to Eysh.

Eysh. She might have finished reading my diary now. What might she say? What might she think about me? Will she think i am mad? Or crazy? Or bad? Will she be angry at me for not telling her before? Will she ever trust me again?

Questions were flowing through my head as I ran down stairs to wash the cup and spoon.  Doing that in a rush i hurried out of the kitchen. As soon as I reached the first stair I was brought out of my thoughts to hear the ringing of the door bell. It must be Eysh.

I ran to the front door and unlocked it and opened it for her. She smiled at me cutely and she i noticed her eyes were red. Did she cry?

Ashley's pov

"Eysh.. Were you crying? Why is your eyes so red?" she asked me and i can sense how worried she was. . She looked at me and hugged me. "um. Its just some shampoo..." i tried lying but she was looking at me like that says she

AN: here is the sixth chapter.. Hope u like it.. Give a vote if u like it.. Brighten your day with a comment..☺️☺️

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