Chapter 9

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As soon as we reached home I washed the clothes and ironed them for tomorrow. After that, I took a bath and laid on my bed reading the novel Ashley gave me. It came a bit of surprise to me, I was enjoying the story and I didn't even once think about Xion.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong

Oh no. That was my alarm clock. I didn't even knew it when I fell asleep. I must have been a lot sleepy or tired. Or am I crazy? I sleepily opened my eyes and glanced at the clock

It was already 5:30 am. I need to pray fast before the sunrise.

I jumped out of my bed in a hurry and headed to the bathroom. I got ready for prayer and prayed. After that I neaten my bed and again took a bath. After a refreshing bath, I recited the holy quran for sometime and revised my biology notes.

Soon after, when I glanced at the clock it was 7:15 am. I headed downstairs to take my breakfast. I will get ready after it. I am so hungry right now. As soon as I reached the kitchen I saw mom preparing breakfast. Pancakes. My mom is the greatest. It was the smell of pancakes. "Sweetie.. Hurry up and come.." Mom said in her soothing voice.

I sat at my seat as mom brought me my breakfast. It was pancakes. I arranged the pancakes and poured honey over it. Yum.. This will be so delicious. I licked my lips and look up to see mom laughing at me. I narrowed my eyes at her smiling at the same time. I hurried to eat it. I can't wait any longer.

What will everyone think when they see me in hijab? Will they bully me? Will the school not allow it? No, it already has some students with hijab, so why should they stop me. Will my classmates hate me for doing this? Will their opinion about me change? Even if it happens, I won't remove my hijab insha allah. I will try my best to do everything in the way allah loves. I am not going to let my non-muslim friends change my mind. Xion, what will he think of me? Will he like it?

I was so deep  down in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when I finished eating. I kept sitting at the table thinking.

"Axel... "

My mom's voice brought me out of my thoughts. She kept looking at me with a worried expression. I smiled at her reassuringly and started walking to the stairs.

As soon as I reached my room I took a deep  breath and went inside. I hurried to get ready. I took a bath and started getting ready. I wore a dark blue coloured dress that reach my feet. The top of the dress had little white coloured diamonds. It has a joint skirt with it that has the same shade. I pinned my hijab to the dress beautifully hiding my chest and back with it. I looked at my reflection on the mirror to check how I look. I was surprised to see that the dress and hijab matches  me so well. I never thought I will feel safe and beautiful in a hijab. But I was feeling safe and satisfied. I was so happy that I am doing what Allah loves. I glanced at the clock an my desk and noticed it was seven thirty. I applied lip balm on my lips and took my school bag. I hurried to the shoe rack and put on a black heal. I put it over my shoulder and took my phone and headed downstairs.

As I reached the door mom came behind me and hugged me tightly. "Masha allah. My xel is so beautiful. May Allah protect her from all the dangers and eyes of people." Mom was literally crying as she was so happy. "Thanks mom." I said as I hugged her back and hurried outside. I can't wait to see Ashley. She said she will meet me at school so Liam was taking me to school.

Liam was waiting for me by the car. As soon as he saw me he smiled  widely and praised me. I muttered a thank you as I hid my face in my hands as I was blushing so hard.

Why does everyone has to say I look beautiful?? Don't they know how shy I am??

I sat in the back seat as liam drove. The whole journey was so silent I wished ashley was there. She will talk non stop. As soon as we reached the school gate I hurried out of the car and waved at liam as he drove away. I hurried into the school excited to find Ashley. She surely must look like an angel.

As I searched for Ashley I didn't notice the looks people were giving me as they noticed the hijab and long dress I was wearing. I couldn't find Ashley any where near our lockers so i hurried to the class as she might be there. As soon as I reached the classroom I reached my hand to the door knob to open it. Before I could even turn it I was shocked as someone hugged me from behind. I was so scared I didn't even look at the hand of the person.

"Xel.. My beautiful bestie.. You look amazing in that dress.. You are so cute.. I have searched for everywhere and I couldn't find you.. Where were you.. "

I sighed in relief hearing Ashley's voice behind me. I turned around to take a look at her. She was wearing the same type of dress as mine but it was in brown colour. She wore a brown coloured hijab in the same way as mine and she wore no makeup except for the lip balm she always used. She looked so beautiful.

"Eysh.. My lovely bestie.. Thanks.. But you look better than me. How can you find me when I was roaming around everywhere trying to find you" I said with a big smile on my face and both of us burst out laughing.

We both hurried into the classroom as it was going to start. Both of us sat in our usual desks and take out our books. Everyone in the classroom was looking at us but we didn't even look at them. We know they hate it but this is what our religion asks us to do. Before anyone could say anything to us the teacher entered the class.

As soon as she noticed us she gave a glance. "Wow. You guys look beautiful. How does it feel to wear the hijab for the first time??" She asked us smiling brightly. Even though she is a Christian  she never said anything about other religions and their beliefs. "Thank you miss. It feels so wonderful to wear it for the first time. And I feel happy that I am finally doing what Allah asked us to do, Right eysh" I smiled at the teacher as Ashley nodded in agreement.

The teacher smiled at the class and started taking the lesson. We can hear the murmur of students behind our back muttering about how unfashionable it is. Both of us ignored them and took part in the lesson just like before.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for our next class. Ashley and I gathered our books and started walking to the door. Suddenly  I gasped as someone behind me pulled my hijab. I turned around look behind me. My eyes widen with horror to see Taylor. My stalker. He was wearing  a black hoodie with black jeans. All the students hurried out of the classroom as they saw him. I clutched Ashley's hand with fear. I noticed even her hand was shaking. Normally, she wont be scared of him but now she was shaking.

Taylor took a step towards me and I moved towards Ashley more. She was holding her books and they were about to fall. "Axel.. Is that really you?? Did you want to get away from me?? Is that why you wore that blue thing over you?? You should remove it.. Let me see your beautiful hair. I want to see it right now. Remove the hijab" I was shaking in horror as I heard his spooky voice. I clutched my hijab more hard as I didn't  want him to remove it.

Seeing me not acting as he told he started coming more nearer to me. Both Ashley and I were taking our steps back and we were stopped as we hit the wall. In a harsh was he removed Ashley's hand from my mine. But Ashley managed to hold it again. Taylor didn't take any notice and put his hands on the wall near me so that I can't leave. I started sobbing with fear. "Didn't  I tell you to remove it yourself?? Now I am going to remove it for you." Ashley tried pushing him away from me but he won't even move a side. As his hands came nearer to my hijab I started closing my eyes tighter.

Oh Allah. Save me from this monster.

I was praying in my mind. As his hand came nearer than an inch my eyes shot open as i heard the books in Ashley's hand dropped. My eyes widen with surprise as I saw a man push Taylor away from me and slapped his face hard. Taylor dropped to ground in pain.

Thank you oh Allah.

I spoked in my mind as I sat down on the spot. I was shaking so much and I was still sobbing. I felt someone sat near me and hugged me tightly. I knew it was Ashley. I laid my head on her shoulder and my crying increased.

"Don't you ever dare to touch her again"

My head came up automatically hearing that voice. The man turned around to face us and it was a shock for me to see..... 

AN: hellow guys.. Thanks for waiting patiently..hope u guys like it.. Give a vote if u like it.. Brighten your day with a comment.. Stay safe.. ☺️☺️

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