Chapter 7

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"Bucky I can't believe this" I say to him, our hands still placed together with the glass keeping our skin from touching. He winces at my words.

"I'm so sorry Y/n there is still so much I haven't told you. So much to explain. I thought I was free. I can never be free and you will keep getting hurt in process" he tells me, his voice slightly muffled through the glass. There are tears in his eyes. I can feel a lump start to form in my throat. I feel heartbroken at the sight of him, at the situation.

"I'm here for you. I'm here even if I'm not physically. We're going to figure this out, I promise. In the meantime..." I say turning to the Captain. "What are we going to do about his arm? Is there a new one in the works?" I ask her.

"We have been examining the old arm that was left at the field, trying to figure out the mechanics of it. What materials were used, what exactly the connection is to James' brain and how we could go about reattaching it-"

"NO!" Bucky shouts banging on the glass with his arm. "You have to create a new prosthetic, it can't be the same one. That one MUST be destroyed" he pleads.

The Captain stays silent for a few moments and turns to Bucky. "We will create a new one for you, but we will need more information on why its imperative that this arm be destroyed. Will you share this?" She asks him. I look between them and Bucky looks to me with a look so intense I feel like I can't breathe.

"It will be okay, this agency is good. We will protect you." I say to him.

"This is not an interrogation James, but we will need you to cooperate if we want to figure out an end to this eventually" the Captain explains. Bucky solemnly nods his head,


Bucky's POV ~one month ago~

After confessing everything to Y/n at the hospital I briefly felt free of the darkness that was inside me and having her fall asleep in my arms made me feel safe. Which was increxibly naive of me. I knew once she remembered everything she was going ti have questions about why exactly I ripped my own metal arm off and why I was charging for her. I don't want to lose her now that I've finally given in to having her.

The next day I had to go back to the agency and back to work. I had a meeting with the Captain which left me feeling very unsettled.. She had been interrogating Gina and Carl about what the motives were for the bunker. They had been silent for days which hopefully meant the Captain hadn't yet realized that John..Boris was trying to trigger me. I spent the next week doing more weapons research, the reason I had signed with this new agency after everything that happened before was because they have the most high tech and updated weapons in America. I'm hoping I will be able to build myself a new arm, one that I have full control of, one that can be a weapon of my own device. Soon after my first meeting with the Captain things began to change drastically. I was met at my desk by two security guards who told me I had to follow them. I complied though I had this weird feeling in my gut. I was taken down winding halls and through a closet into another darker part of the headquarters where the Captain was waiting in a dim light room. There was only a couple chairs in the room and the two guards had me sit down in one of them. The Captain began speaking.

"Do you want to start by explaining exactly where your arm had come from?" She asks me. I sit there in silence for a few moments. So the Captain finalky found out a little more information than I had hoped. But I didn't know what to say. Talking about the arm, why I had it, what it meant, it did things to mt body that I couldn't quite explain. Though the arm is gone, my brain was still conditioned into things and I still have a ways to go in recovery.. I force a swallow down my throat and take a deep breath.

"I can't talk about it" I reply.

"Are you hiding something from us James, are you working with Hydra?" She asks crossing her arms in front of her chest. At the name I feel myself wince and beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. They think I'm working with the Russians. Shit.

"N-no" I make out. "I swear no, there's more to it"

"Listen James, I trust you. You saved Y/n in the field, you stuck to the mission. I don't believe that you would be working on the otherside. But Gina and Carl, they said that you were created by Hydra. Would you care to explain exactly what that means?" She asks.

It feels like my neck is burning as I strain my throat trying not to cry. "Captain I'm sorry, its something I can't talk about. But I can tell you, it was against my own will." I say, hoping she can tell how difficult this is for me. "Were the people from the farm from.. Hydra?" I ask. It would make sense why they were so curious about my arm. Did the Captain know she was sending me on a mission where people were hunting me? No, that wouldn't make sense. She uncrosses her arms and places one on her hip instead.

"Yes and no. They formed a separate organization full of people who once worked for them. Thry call themselves,, Tetra. They took a bunch of secrets from the Hydra headquarters and now are looking for you. Boris had recognized your arm and its details, knowing it belonged to Hydra. I imagine while you and Y/n were sleeping he was doing the research to find out more information about you.  If I had known I never would have sent you out on this mission with Y/n" she sighs placing a hand to her temples before continuing her story.

"They said that the secret bunker was for a bigger plan to attack America, which we have taken full control of now, but now they have theatrened that the rest of their team would be coming to find you. We have no clue how many people this means, what kind of weapons they will bring, or what they even want with you noe that your arm is gone. I'm sorry to tell you this, but we will have to lock you up for your own safety until we know exactly whats to happen next" she continues. My heart sinks, locked up. Caged like the monster I am. My thoughts go to Y/n. I haven't been in contact with her since the day in the hospital and now I wouldn't be able to tell her anything.

"What about Y/n? She needs to know what's happening to me. I havent been able to talk with her." I say, the anxiety recognizable in my voice.

"I will make sure Y/n is up to date on your whereabouts when she comes back into work. But unfortunately I cannot disclose this information with her for two reasons. The first being she needs to heal without the impact of stress. And two this information cannot leave this underground area. We cannot be reached by anyone or any kind of technology that could leak your whereabouts. But I promise you she will know when the time comes" the Captain explains. "Its time for you to go James, I really am sorry for this"

I feel ashamed, angry, and scared. I should've gone back with Steve, back to the 1930's. I could've hidden away and grown old and the present day would be protected from me.

They put me in this glass cage that had a bed attached to the wall, a toilet, and a sink. I knew this was a cell, a prison. I knew I wasn't the bad guy in this situation but I felt like one. Days went by of me sitting and staring at the wall. I requested the weapons training book but they denied me. The Captain had come back occasionally asking if i would be ready to share the information I know, my story. Each time I told her I can't. Other than that, they fed me and that was it. I couldn't even tell how long I was down here until the door open and I heard my name being called by a voice I didn't know how much I missed until the sound filled my heart and I lost my breath.

Y/n ran straight over to the glass and placed her hand against it. I moved towards her, breathing out her name and placing my hand against her own. I wanted to feel the heat of her skin, I missed the way it burned like sparks against my own.

When Y/n and the Captain started to talk about my arm my anxiety started ti rise. I knew I had to explain everything even though it would be so hard and the chemicals in my brain would fight against me. But when Y/n spoke, when she told me I would be protected. I believed her. I knew in my heart that she was telling the truth and she would do anything to keep it that way. The way she made me feel felt like nothing i have ever felt before. And so I reluctantly agreed because of her. It was time. Time to end this.

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