New Girl

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Got me a new girl,

Name is Pearl.

She live in the Village where everything be happenin.

Met her on the train and we started rappin,

She told me her story I didn't make a peep.

I didn't even mind her voice was kinda deep.

We talked about life and how it's a funny thing,

She said when she loves a man she treats him like a king.

I liked the sound of that, it suits me just fine.

And by the way she's educated, she got a good mind.

Her feet a little big but I don't stress,

Cause when I looks in her face all I see is kindness.

My boys be jealous, saying dumb shit too,

They say she look a little strange with that big arm tattoo.

They say Pearl ain't no girl behind that lipstick and shit,

I say to them, she all woman from where I sit.

Granted she ain't like most women you see around town,

She speaks several languages, I think that's profound.

Folks so quick to judge and that's a fact,

But what I can say for sure is she got my back.

Cookin my food every night, the best I've ever ate.

She don't even mind when I come home a little late.

What's most important is how she makes me feel,

I'm number one in her life and that's for real.

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