Chapter 5: First Day of Dubai Surprises

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"A little known fact about the Civil War is the woman that fought in them. It's estimated that about 400 women disguised as men and went into battles, and others became spies for both the north and the south. Those are the brave women we're gonna learn about today."

"How can they be brave when their traitors?" Riley asks arm crossed. "They disguise himself as nice sweet people only to backstab the people they supposedly love."

"I think what Dad is trying to say is that those people were brave enough to stand up for what they believe is right, even if others disagree," Rose counters. "Right, Dad?"

"Umm..." Cory looks between the two of them uncomfortable. The whole class falling into an awkward silence.

Tension had been brewing between the two sisters ever since the beginning of the year when Lucas and Charlie walked into the school holding hands. Riley has been on a smear campaign involving everybody she thought knew about the relationship, and Rose couldn't understand why Riley has been so immature.

"Girls, I don't want you fighting 'cause of me," Lucas cuts in.

The two turn to glare at him, and he shrivels back. "This isn't about you!"

"This is about Rose being a backstabbing traitor who chooses to stand with the scarlet woman over her own twin."

"No, It's about you being the only one in the school that actually thought your relationship with Lucas was going to last!"

The class inhaled as one.

"I bet Maximo is sleeping with a whole bunch of girls in Berkeley."

Rose snorts. "Is that the best you can do. You have to come at me with something better than that."

Riley scowls at her. "You think you're so much better than everybody."

"No, you think I'm better than you, and that's your problem. Riley, you want me to stand by your cause were twins, well you haven't been acting like my sister the past couple years. You jealousy immature brat."

"Because you think you know everything. That you know what's best for everybody."

"That's you. I don't get involved in other people's business unless asked. You do it becomes it validates you. It makes you feel special and needed, well news flash Lucas doesn't want you anymore. He's with Charlie now, get over it, move on. Next fairytale. Yours never happened."

"Your suppose to be on my side!"

"I would be if you were right!"

"I-I-I- I wish you never woke up!"

Rose froze, heart, pounding a million miles an hour. "What?"

" I said I wish you never woke up," Riley repeats head in the air.

"Riley," Cory scolds. "Apologize."

"Of course, you take her side!" Riley screams at him. "You always take her side."

Rose wasn't listen her mind, not processing. She felt somebody shake her shoulder. "Rose! Rose! Rose! Rose!"

"Rose! Rose! Rose!"

Rose opens bleary eyes. "Amelia?"

"Yeah, it's me. I came out of the bathroom and saw you twist and turn in your sleep."

Rose rubs her eyes, sitting up. She looks around the room to see that she was in one of the Ish-Shalom's private jet. Charlie and Maddie sleeping on the other bed of their shared bedroom.

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