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Inarizaki High

I make it inside the gym, slowly trotting along.

'Was I hallucinating?
Omimi-San didn't actually
smile at me did he?
He never smiles
Well at least I've always thought he didn't'

My thoughts are filled with him. More so the interaction we just had.

'I think that's the first time
we've ever actually talked
But still I don't think
I've ever seen him smile
with the other third years'

'Was that smile just for me?'

I pause in my tracks for a moment.

Leave your tragic
love life out of this
He was probably just being nice'

I sigh before continuing walking, still stuck in my thoughts.

"Y/n-chan watch out!"

A collection of voices give the warning as I am snapped out of my thoughts. I look to see a volleyball darting right at my direction.

I can help but freeze, there's no time to move, I turn my face to the side looking away from the death ball.


The sound of the ball colliding and dropping to the floor echoes through the gym, followed by a small hiss of pain.

I'm surprised once again. I feel completely normal, the bottles are still in my hands. I'm confused, I turn to see a body infront of me, shielding me from the ball.

"You alright?"

I'm met with the same face I was thinking about just a few moments ago.


'Great speechless again'

We fall into the same hypnotic like, tense gaze. I want to look away from his eyes, I probably should but I just can't help but stare.

I finally process the fact that he's just been hit, thankfully it snaps me out of my haze.

"Omimi-san your back!
Are you hurt?
Does it need to be checked out?"

"It's fine"

I'm not completely convinced. I begin to slightly panic, almost dropping the box of bottles in my hand.

"You don't need to stress
I'll be fine"

My face begins to heat up again as he goes to take the box from my hands.

"I'm starting to think I might
have to protect this cute face of
yours more often"

His hands brush against mine as he laughs, taking the box from me. I look down at my  feet. I can't help but feel embarrassed, my face is probably a bright shade of red right now.

I start to fidget with my fingers. There is a lingering warmth on the areas of my hands he touched. The foreign fluttering sensation from before reappears in my stomach.

'What's wrong with me
Please stop'

I finally muster up words, attempting to distract myself from the growing feeling in my stomach. My eyes however, are still glued to the floor.

"T-Thank you Omimi-san
for saving me

"Don't sweat it
I'm glad I got to you in time"

'He's glad?'

I look up to see him smiling gently at me.

'His smile is actually going to kill me
It's so beautiful'

I am shocked for a brief moment, but I manage to give him a soft smile in return. The fluttering sensation has seemed to calm itself, being replaced with a warm fuzzy feeling instead.

I see Omimi open his mouth to speak again but is cut off.


Me and Omimi look to see Aran's distressed face, Omimi's usual blank face reappears.

'He's already back to blank?'

I look past Aran to see Yui, Gin and Akagi behind him.

'Have they been standing there the whole time?'

I'm then bombarded by my concerned mother, who completely ignores Omimi's presence. My focus however, drifts off behind Aran, to Omimi.

Omimi looks like he's about to take his leave. Before he does our eyes lock on to each other's. Omimi gives a slight nod to me, as he goes to walk away.

He flashes me a quick smile that barely lasts a full second.

He doesn't break the eye contact as he turns away, the last split second before our eye contact breaks he winks at me. Omimi then walks away, asumingly to the rest of the team.

That was hot'

I already know the mental image of Omimi winking is forever going to be engraved in my brain.

I finally pay my attention to Aran, I slightly flinch as I return my focus. Yui, Akagi and Gin are also infront of me now. They ignore my weird action as they continue to check if I'm alright.

I give them half-assed replies, Aran seems to be the only actual worried one. Yui, Gin and Akagi however seem suspicious to me. I don't know what, but they look like they're up to no good.

'I hope they aren't planning something'

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Unexpected ᯽ Omimi RenWhere stories live. Discover now