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'Where are
you Y/n?'

I was currently running with Suna and Atsumu. I don't know where the fuck we are meant to go but we're running.

We've been rummaging through every room in the school... having no success in finding my girlfriend. Atsumu suddenly crashes into Suna who has stopped in his tracks.

"Sunarin what
the he-"

"Sara-San just
texted me..."

Me and Atsumu stare at Suna intently as his eyes and fingers hurriedly swipe to view the message. His eyes seem to lighten as he looks at us with a determined look

"(Random room)"

Me and Atsumu nod before we all take off, bolting straight to the room. Worry begins to stir inside my chest for the safety of Y/n. I'm quite quickly brought back to reality by Atsumu.

"What the
actual fuck!"

My eyes dart to Atsumu who's cursing, we had made it to (Random room) but the door was locked. Before me and Suna can say anything Atsumu takes a few steps back before running into the door, throwing himself at it.

Luckily he manages to bust it open. For a millisecond there is a small 'what the fuck' expression on Suna's face. But I shrug it to the side, running into the room to find my girlfriend.


I pause in my place. My eyes widen as anger begins to surge through me, I clench my fists as my whole body tenses seeing the rage inducing sight infront of me.


The words spit from my mouth, laced with poisonous venom. My blood begins to boil, there's only thoughts of murder now clouding up my mind.

Takibi seems to spaz out for a moment before taking his lips off her neck, backing away from the table she was on. I feel the presence of Suna and Atsumu besides me, deadly auras now circling all 3 of us.


My mind clears from the killer thoughts as I look towards my baby Y/n. Her voice sounds frail, her whole body is shaking.

Seeing her trembling like this brews causes me to start fuming. I walk towards Takibi who seems to take little steps back away from me, he looks scared shitless.

I grab onto the dickheads collar with my left hand, holding it firmly. I stare at his frozen state, only getting angrier by the moment.

Releasing the hostile emotions inside me I punch him right in the face with my free hand, I then throw him into the wall.

His figure landing onto the ground with a loud groan. Suna and Atsumu immediately run at him, starting to kick at and stomp on him.

"Who the fuck do
you think you are!
Touching Y/n-Chan with
your disgusting hands"

"Worthless piece
of shit"

Unexpected ᯽ Omimi RenWhere stories live. Discover now