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"Good luck Y/n!"

"Thank you!"

I was standing in the backstage area, trying to compose myself as I'm about to go on. This is it, the moment I probably trip on stage... sing off key... forget the lyrics...

'Get ahold of

I slap myself on the cheek, physically and mentally getting the negative thoughts out of my mind. I stand patiently with slight anxiousness, waiting for the go to walk onto the stage.

Soon seeing a little thumbs up from the student, I take a deep breath before walking, quite slowly onto the stage. Stopping in the middle my eyes dart around, seeing multiple eyes all on me.

'Breathe Y/n
You can do it'

[start playing the song up above now... lol if you're gonna read with it on... idk how to write songfic so bare with me pls]

I try to shake away all my last minute nerves. The music starts to play, I start to sing abit shaky with the first few words but I manage to steadily compose my voice.

"Your love is bright as ever

Even in the shadows

Baby kiss me

Before they turn the lights out"

I look quickly for Yui. I spot her and Gin with the volleyball team, she gives me a thumbs up. I take a deep breath before getting ready to continue.

"Your heart is glowing

And I'm crashing into you

Baby kiss me

Before they turn the lights out

Before they turn the lights out

Baby love me lights out"

I close my eyes to ease my anxiety as I begin to sing the chorus.

"In the darkest night hour"

"in the darkest night hour"

I open my eyes hearing the song being sung in the crowd. I immediately smile as I continue. Aran, Akagi, Yui & Gin are singing back to me.

"I'll search through the crowd"

"I'll search through the crowd"

"Your face is all that I see

I'll give you everything

Baby love me lights out

Baby love me lights out

You can turn my lights out"

I feel myself staring to loosen up, my family singing alongside really gave me a confidence boost. I begin to sing with more ease.

"We don't have forever

Ooh, baby daylight's wasting"

I look find Ren, soon our gazes lock on. I stare at him as I sing the next part.

Unexpected ᯽ Omimi RenWhere stories live. Discover now