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Inarizaki High

School had ended not too long ago. I was kept back a few minutes longer to talk to my Chemistry teacher, Ren had waited to walk with me.

We were currently discussing something as we walked to the gym.

"A d-date?
This Friday?"


"I mean
I want too..."

"I've already asked
Aran and he's cool
with it I just
have to bring you
home by 10 again"

A smile graces my face, I look up at Ren, smiling gleefully.

"Then it's settled
I can't wait!"

Ren smiles down at me, quickly pecking me on the forehead. He then wraps an arm around my waist, I inch a little closer to his side, slightly leaning on him.

We continue to walk to the gym, calmly conversing between each other. Thankfully majority of the student have gone home or are in their respective club rooms.

As we reach closer to the gym door a voice calls out to me.

"Y/n c-can
we talk"

Mine and Ren's chat is paused as I look at the owner of the voice. My eyes are met with a slightly depressed looking Yui.

My bestie instincts start tingling, somethings wrong. I can tell Ren notices too as he leans down whispering to me. I give him a little nod in response.

Ren excuses himself so me and Yui can talk privately. Well not before quickly kissing me on the lips, leaving with a small smirk while sending me a little wink.

Once he's inside I gesture Yui to talk to me. Before she even starts I see tears pool in her eyes, neatly spilling out.

I hastily pull her into a hug, small little sobs escape her mouth as she finally starts talking.


I feel nothing but anger rise inside of me as Yui speaks, she's trembling. Frustration begins build as I begin planning murders in my mind.

I begin to worry for her, it's always a mess when she's reminded of her past. I feel a wave of guilt wash over me.

'I shouldn't have
told their secret
It's my fault she's
thinking about her past'

My worry levels begin to skyrocket as she proceeds to cry harder while venting.

"T-They said it's

That losing it
t-that young
i-is gross

W-Was I t-too

Am I a-actually
as b-bad as
they said?"

I finally snap, not at her but just at the air honestly.

"Yui! Look at
me right now!"

"Who cares what
they say!"

"B-But it's
t-true I was

"They know nothing
about it! They don't
know what
what you went through!"

"B-But Y/n-"

What happened
back then was NOT
you're fault! You're
father was and forever
will be a piece of shit
and the one to blame!"

Yui begins to cry more, the sight of her like this breaks my heart. I cup her face, trying to wipe away her tears.

"B-but what if
H-Hito thinks-"

Gin loves you
so fucking much"

"But he
c-could think-"

Yui Ginjima!"

She stops speaking looking into my eyes.

"Do you remember
what Gin said to
you when he proposed"


I notice her struggle to recall his words, it must be from the overwhelming sadness she's feeling.

"Come on Yui
I know you know"

After a few moments she starts recalling, little sobs mix in as she speaks.

"H-He said he
w-would p-protect me"

"From who"

"M-My f-father"

"Now can you
tell me what he
did after you said yes"

"H-He got my
f-father sent t-to jail"

"And why did
he do that"

She pauses for a moment before bursting in tears again.

"B-Because he
loves me"

Yui starts wailing, now mad at herself for thinking otherwise of Gin's love for her.  I sigh before yelling.

"Okay everyone
get over here"


Yui pauses momentarily as all the whole team appear behind her. Every single one of are close to tears if not already crying.

Gin is the first one to run up and pull her into a hug, more cries leave her mouth as everyone else slowly makes their way over.

Aran is next, taking Yui out of Gin's embrace and into his own. The rest of us crowd around before having one big group hug.

All the boys take turns in hugging Yui whilst giving her supportive messages. We all make sure she knows that we will always have her back. After a little while Yui starts to go back to her normal self.

Coach was kind enough to just cancel the training for today, so we all decided to chill out at a cafe, sharing laughs and stories. I think this unfortunate incident brought us all closer!

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Unexpected ᯽ Omimi RenWhere stories live. Discover now